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Knee injuries

Main data

In the course of life each person, sooner or later, gets insignificant injuries of a knee. It can be promoted both by our usual gestures, and wear of structures of a knee or any external circumstances. The sport, entertainments, active recreation and even the simplest household chores – all these occupations are potential risk factors. For this reason in our article we decided to tell about the most widespread problems with a knee, and also about what to do after a knee injury.

Sudden (acute) damages

Травмы колена

It is the most widespread type of damages. Sudden injuries are a consequence of direct impact on a knee, twisting of a leg or excessive bending. Unpleasant symptoms are shown instantly after an injury of a knee and expressed as serious pains, swelling and bruises some of which can have very serious effects. Except the above-stated symptoms, acute injuries of a knee cause weakness, numbness, a shiver in legs, cold and a posineniye of integuments.

As for typology of damages, specialists allocate the following types of injuries of a knee:

  • sprain and sinews;
  • rupture of sheaves or kauchkopodobny laying of a joint (meniscuses);
  • cracks in a patella, changes;
  • patella dislocation;
  • dislocation of a knee joint

The knee injuries caused by excessive loadings

This type of damages is connected with the repeating actions and long loadings. Sports activities and severe conditions of work which cause can be the reasons:

  • inflammation of synovial bags;
  • small ruptures of sinews;
  • twisting of knee sheaves;
  • irritation of fibrous connecting fabric.

Besides, the knee injury which treatment demands the immediate address to the doctor can be shown after the postponed orthopedic diseases, for example, of an osteoarthritis or a subnodal cyst.

What to do after a knee injury?

Treatment of injuries of a patella and joints includes both measures of urgent medical care, and reception of various drugs, physiotherapeutic procedures, splintage and rest. The choice of a technique of treatment of an injury of a knee is carried out on the basis of weight of damage, age of the patient, the general state of his health and some other factors. Acute management after an injury of a knee is required in the following cases:

  • dislocations, shifts of a knee joint;
  • signs of painful shock;
  • bleeding near the damaged area;
  • splintering of a bone.

In all these cases it is necessary to call at once the Ambulance as every minute of delay promises to the patient very serious complications, up to loss of operability of the injured knee.

Knee injury – treatment in house conditions

Лечение травмы колена

If the doctor appointed house treatment, then to kill pain, a tumor and constraint in a knee you will be helped by our advice:

  • provide to a sore knee rest, replace a sort of your occupations if they are connected with considerable exercise stresses or bring unpleasant, painful feelings;
  • the easy swelling and small pain successfully are removed by means of usual ice. Do an ice compress 3 times a day within 10-20 minutes, and you will lighten at once;
  • in the first two days after an injury of a knee it is necessary to refuse a hot shower, a bath, hot compresses and alcoholic beverages;
  • if the condition of the patient allows to do small exercises, then you should not refuse them as easy loadings help to keep flexibility of joints;
  • if on the damaged place bandage is imposed, then do not tighten it too hardly – it can lead to increase in a swelling;
  • do not remove a bandage without the permission of the doctor – quite perhaps that he has suspicions on serious damages and therefore failure to follow recommendations can lead to any complications;
  • for decrease in load of the injured knee use a cane or crutches.
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