Entrails or hem call a front part of a cow or bull stomach (the first prestomach). Entrails look in the form of pieces of grayish color with noticeable fibers. Sometimes together with it sell also a part of the second prestomach, a so-called grid. It differs from entrails in existence on a mucous membrane instead of fibers of smooth small squares.
Useful properties of entrails and the rule of its preparation are a little familiar to most of the population. Therefore this food stuff cannot often be seen on a table. And it is a basis for preparation of various national dishes. For example, in Scotland entrails are cooked with oatmeal and plentifully season it with pepper and onions. Poland does handsprings of it in a Warsaw way, and in Korea – хе. Having learned all secrets of the correct preparation of entrails, you will be able to prepare tasty, nutritious and that is not unimportant, cheap dishes.
Before starting directly culinary processing of its entrails it is necessary to clear carefully. For this purpose it should be turned out an internal surface outside. As it is possible clear it of the remains of the mucous membrane of a stomach forming a peculiar film more carefully. Fat from entrails should be cut off and thrown out completely. For cooking it is not used since possesses the expressed unpleasant smell. After that properly, wash out entrails under a stream of flowing water.
The peeled and washed out entrails for elimination of a specific smell for three hours are presoaked in light pink solution of potassium permanganate or weak solution of vinegar (3%) then again carefully wash out under flowing cold water.
Take coarse salt and rub it in an entrails surface. Leave for half an hour then again wash out. Now entrails can be used for further culinary processing.
Entrails are put in a pan, filled in with cold water and on strong fire brought to boiling. Water is merged, entrails are washed out under flowing water, again put in a pan and filled in with cold water. Bring to boiling. Remove foam and cook within five hours on slow fire.
For half an hour before the end of cooking add several peas to a pan black and allspice, couple of leaflets of bay leaf, two average bulbs. Salt to taste. Ready entrails are spread on a plate and cooled.
Cleared and welded as it is described above entrails cut small pieces. Kindle a piece of butter on a frying pan and fry on it, constantly stirring slowly within fifteen minutes. Season entrails to taste with black ground pepper and add to it several small istolchenny garlic gloves. Add to frying pan contents three spoons of tomato paste and approximately a half-glass of hot water. Cover and extinguish a quarter of hour on very slow fire.
To stewed entrails as a garnish it is possible to serve macaroni, buckwheat, rice or mashed potatoes.
Many people mistakenly believe that entrails a food stuff, absolutely useless for a human body. But actually it far not so. Entrails contain 97% of proteins and 4,2% of fat. And there are no carbohydrates in it. Therefore dishes from it do not lead to increase in level of glucose in blood and can be included in the menu of the people suffering from a diabetes mellitus.
Caloric content of 100,0 g of beef entrails makes 97 kcal.
It is possible to refer its beneficial influence on a condition of skin and mucous membranes, digestive and nervous systems to other useful properties of entrails. They are explained by the vitamins of group B which are a part of entrails, macro - and microelements (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and iodine). In addition in entrails there are substances having antioxidant properties.
Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.
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