Three-day diets for weight loss are considered as the most effective of all types of diets. Three-day diets promote removal of excess liquid from an organism and activate exchange processes. But the diet should be alternated with the next four days of a usual diet. Only at such alternation in a human body special metabolic processes will be started, and lipoblasts will be split. In reviews of three-day diets it is said that this type of dietary food allows to dump easily several kilograms, especially if to combine it with outdoor games on air and physical exercises.
Three-day rice diet – quite rigid diet. For carrying out a diet it is necessary to boil a glass of rice (without salt and spices), then to divide it into several small portions. All portions of rice should be eaten during the day. It is possible to wash down rice with orange or apple juice. For this type of a diet it is the best of all to choose whole brown rice. Whole brown rice contains a significant amount of protein, compounds of iron, potassium. If there is no whole brown rice, then it is possible to use usual rice. To usual rice it is possible to add the dried wheat bran in the ratio three to one.
Before preparation rice should be wetted in water. If before boiling previously to wet rice, then from it the component which forms slime in an organism will be washed up. When soaking rice will become porous. At hit in an organism porous rice will perfectly absorb in itself excess of bile, slime, cholesterol, pathogenic microorganisms.
Three-day rice diet – quite severe stress for an organism. It is longer impossible to observe it than an established period. It is recommended to repeat such diet not more often than two times a month. The three-day diet cannot be applied at teenage age, and also during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
In the period of such three-day diet for weight loss it is allowed to use water in unlimited number. Rice can be eaten at any time. A day before a three-day diet and right after it it is necessary to add light meat of a bird and a large number of vegetables to a diet
If such diet for someone seems too rigid, then it is possible to be limited one rice fasting day. It is allowed to take a course not more often than two times a year.
Apples contain all mineral components, pectins and vitamins, necessary for a human body. Nutritionists developed a set of kinds of an apple diet. Reviews of an apple three-day diet promising. By means of such diet within three days it is possible to get rid of four-five kilograms of excess weight. The three-day apple diet helps not only to reduce weight, but also to clear an organism, to normalize metabolism, to reduce pressure. At the same time, this diet is not too strict.
During a diet it is possible to use low-calorie products in combination with apples. For breakfast it is necessary to eat about hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese. For the second breakfast it is necessary to be limited to rye crispbread and small apple. For lunch it is possible to boil about hundred grams of fish and to make fruit one orange and apple salad. For an afternoon snack it is possible to eat hundred grams of low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese and one apple. For dinner it is desirable to eat several pieces of firm cheese and one apple. During an apple three-day diet it is possible to drink broths of herbs, water, dried fruits compote, svezheotzhaty apple juice.
Nutritionists in reviews of a three-day diet write that it will be useful at various diseases of a digestive tract, liver and gall bladder. But at the same time it is necessary to consider a grade of apples. At gastritis acid grades are contraindicated, and at ulcers you should not be fond of sweet apples. At diseases of kidneys in a chronic form apples should be baked in an oven with addition of 100-150 grams of sugar and to use evenly during the day. Baked apples contain a lot of pectin. Pectin brings excess of liquid out of an organism, helping to kill pains, hypostases and inflammations.
At a three-day diet on apple juice it is necessary to eat two glasses of freshly cooked juice from apples of sweet grades. That in addition at such diet to bring sand and stones out of kidneys, it can be changed a little. In the first two days it is necessary to drink juice according to the usual scheme, and for the third day, in thirty minutes after morning reception of juice, it is necessary to drink about a half of a glass of olive oil, and then to wash down it with a glass of the diluted juice. During such three-day diet it is allowed to drink still water in unlimited number.
The apple three-day diet cannot be applied at individual intolerance of apples.
Kefiric diet – the most popular diet helping to get rid of extra kilos. Kefir – a natural source of calcium. Calcium is in kefir in a bioavailable form, so, is completely acquired by a human body. Kefir – a source of vitamins of group B. It exerts beneficial influence on immune system of an organism, nails, hair, integuments, a metabolism. The daily use of kefir helps to get rid of a set of potential diseases. The kefiric three-day diet allows to dump up to three kilograms of excess weight.
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