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Removal of scars

Технология удаления шрамов лазеромThe scar is a household name of a hem which, in turn, represents dense education from connecting fabric. The hem arises in the course of regeneration after damage or an inflammation of internal or external bodies. But when we speak about scars, we mean, as a rule, large, noticeable a naked eye of disturbance of integrity of an integument which represent explicit cosmetic defect. It is not surprising that most of people (generally women) aim to get rid of them. Today for this purpose there are both special drugs, and cosmetic procedures. Further we will consider how there is a removal of scars and what is for this purpose applied.

What represents a scar (hem)

The body of a hem consists of collagen and on structure considerably differs from fabrics which it replaces. The scar does not possess the same functions, it is more sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, in it there cannot be sweat glands or hair a follicle. After a wound repair at normal scarring the normotrofichesky hem can be formed – it is located flush with skin, has elasticity, pale or corporal color, does not break sensitivity of skin, say, remains almost imperceptible. According to reviews, removal of scars of this kind is almost not required.

When process of a wound repair is broken, also keloid cicatrixes can be formed atrophic, hypertrophic. And in this case it is not excluded that removal of scars is required. The atrophic hem is located lower than the level of skin, on structure it thinner and flabby, its color is lighter, than at healthy fabric. A characteristic example – scars after extensions and an acne.

Hypertrophic hems are formed with excess connecting fabric and are given over the surface of skin. They are much less elastic, than a healthy derma, and more darkly (their color varies from pink to violet), can itch or cause discomfort at a contact, but are usually painless. Over time the hem of this type can almost regress completely. A typical example – a scar after operation, injuries, a burn, a strong inflammation. Removal of a scar in this case, as a rule, takes place successfully.

Keloid cicatrixes of crimson and cyanotic color with a brilliant and hilly surface – one of unpleasant complications of process of a wound repair. Scars of this type strongly act over skin level, often cause an itch, hurt, cause this or that discomfort. Cicatricial fabric uncontrollable expands even after healing and continues to grow for many years. According to responses, removal of scars of this type cannot exclude a recurrence completely. The keloid cicatrix is formed from insignificant injuries, such as an ear puncture, drawing tattoos, banal scratches, but can exceed the size of a wound several times.

Surgical removal of scars

Serious damages of skin as a result of injuries, wounds, burns, the complicated inflammatory processes lead to formation of large hems. Sometimes the plastic surgery or, in other words, excision remains the only way of removal of scars, according to specialists, in this case. At the same time it is necessary to remember that any surgical intervention leaves hems, in this case they will be less noticeable, than initial. Surgical removal of scars allows to reduce width and depth of a hem, to remove foreign debris or to move process of scarring to more hidden zone.

At the time of operation the surgeon excises a scar body, cauterizes vessels, will mobilize and sews wound edges. The Z-shaped seam turns out.

Actually there is a lot of ways of removal of scars, for example, the following:

  • Hem plastics with imposing of a cosmetic intradermal seam;
  • Plastics about change of a contour of a hem;
  • Plastics with skin transplantation;
  • Plastics using an expander for removal of deep extensive hems.

At treatment of scars of hypertrophic character the forecast always positive, more difficult is submitted elimination of keloid cicatrixes as in 50-80% of cases they recur.

After plastics the compressing bandage is applied area of a seam for days, for some time the patient is recommended to avoid direct sunshine and a tension of fabrics.

The sparing ways of removal of a scar

If a hem not so extensive and deep, it is possible to apply to it also less invasive methods, than excision, for example, laser grinding or microdermabrasion.

Removal of scars the laser – one of the most widespread procedures which are carried out in cosmetology offices. It consists in layer-by-layer grinding of a body of a hem the laser device. Within several days after removal of a scar hypostasis and morbidity in the field of a hem can arise the laser, at this moment it is important not to allow inflammations. Antimicrobic drugs and means for improvement of local blood circulation can be for this purpose appointed. On site operations the thin crust is formed, for 7-8 day after operation it usually descends in the natural way.

Removal of scars the laser most effectively at normotrofichesky hems. Hypertrophic hems will a little more difficult respond to treatment, they demand several sessions. According to reviews, removal of scars of keloid type by method of laser correction is considered inexpedient and if the doctor nevertheless agreed, is combined with medicamentous therapy.

Removal of scars the laser – rather expensive, but safe procedure which influences only upper layers of skin. After the session it is worth refusing any cosmetic procedures, including visit of a sunbed and reception of solar bathtubs. If the scar is in the open place, it is processed sunblock cream.

Крем для удаления шрамов - эффективность и отзывыMicrodermabrasion is a removal of scars by mechanical alignment of a relief of skin. The procedure can take place using the sanding device, ultrasound or a combination of a stream of water and gas. Its feature is dosed and purposeful smoothing of sites of cicatricial fabric most of which of all need it. Reviews of removal of scars demonstrate that similar cosmetology manipulation is much more preferable than a peeling. But depending on the size of a hem and type of the procedure from 10 to 30 sessions can be necessary.

Medicamentous removal of scars

And still for many patients cosmetic procedures bear in themselves discomfort while just it would be desirable to apply any ointment on skin and to forget about a hem. And such means are available. If a hem rather large and fresh, then special cream for removal of scars helps to eliminate it. Now tens of suitable drugs are presented at the domestic pharmaceutical market, however before their use it is worth consulting with the dermatologist. As a rule, cream for removal of scars demands systematic use within 3-4 months. Similar drugs can be used for treatment of extensions, scars after an acne and even postoperative hems. The earlier the patient begins treatment, the as a result effect of cream for removal of scars will be had more effectively.

Whether you know that:

In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.