Main > Diagnostic methods> Ultrasonography of kidneys

Ultrasonography of kidneys

Процедура УЗИ почекUltrasonography of kidneys (ultrasonography) is the most effective and at the same time safe method of diagnosing of diseases of an urinary system. Kidneys are well available to carrying out such type of a research, and thanks to modern technologies specificity and accuracy of a way do not concede even a computer tomography, and in certain cases, for example, at assessment of a condition of a renal blood-groove of ultrasonography with a dopler gives unique data.

Ultrasonography of kidneys allows to determine the size, location and a shape of kidneys, a bladder and an ureter. Besides, the research is carried out to place tissue extractors for the subsequent extraction liquid from an abscess or a cyst or in case of need to establish a drainage tube. Use this procedure and to define a blood stream in kidneys or to estimate a transplant after renal transplantation.

Indications to ultrasonography of kidneys

The doctor recommends to make ultrasonography of kidneys to each patient with such symptoms as:

  • disease of endocrine system;
  • enuresis;
  • increase in arterial pressure;
  • pain syndrome in a waist;
  • dysuric frustration;
  • inborn pathology of external genitals;
  • existence of pathological educations;
  • acute and chronic inflammatory processes;
  • traumatic damages;
  • disturbance of functioning of a kidney;
  • infectious diseases and inflammatory processes;
  • pathological changes in analyses of urine.

It is recommended to make to patients ultrasonography of kidneys and adrenal glands with constantly increased arterial pressure which does not manage to be reduced the carried-out treatment.

In spite of the fact that at pregnancy of ultrasonography of kidneys in our country is not an obligatory research, it is recommended to do to all women who are going to become mothers, especially in the presence of any complaints from urinogenital system and kidneys. Considering that pregnancy is the factor provoking an exacerbation of renal diseases and developing of infections, identification of problems with kidneys quite often falls on this period of life of the woman. And therefore ultrasonography of kidneys at pregnancy has important value for observation of the state of health of future mother.

Besides, it is obligatory to make ultrasonography of kidneys it is necessary for all specialists for obtaining the medical book during routine inspection.

How to be prepared for ultrasonography of kidneys

Patients to whom the procedure is necessary, the question interests how to be prepared for ultrasonography of kidneys. Actually, there are no special requirements: there is no need neither for a special diet, nor for bowel emptying. Moreover, enemas are even contraindicated.

Проведение УЗИ почекThe only condition for performing ultrasonography of kidneys – a full bladder. Therefore approximately in one hour prior to the procedure the patient has to drink 2-4 glasses of liquid (juice or water).

As ultrasonography of kidneys is carried out

Conduct a research at the patient, as a rule, in a dorsal decubitus, it is extremely rare – standing. The doctor applies special gel on area of a research – ultrasound "conductor", puts the sensor of the device and begins to visualize bodies.

Begin survey with a bladder because in the emptied state he is badly visible, then pass to departments of ureters, gradually pass to kidneys.

For studying of the second kidney, the patient will ask to turn over on other side. At the request of the doctor, perhaps, it is deeply required to sigh, hold the breath, to relax or, on the contrary, to inflate a stomach. On the research course the specialist will take several short break to record the picture on the monitor of the device and to take necessary measurements.

Ultrasonography of kidneys at children

Inspection of kidneys to children is usually appointed after carrying out standard laboratory analyses in the presence of complaints to pain syndromes or according to other indications, proceeding from a case history. Need of performing ultrasonography of kidneys at children of chest age is established by the doctor and as ultrasound – is absolutely safe also painless, this procedure can be carried out even in the first month of life of the kid.

Ultrasonography of kidneys at children gives the chance to confirm or disprove this or that disease, to establish degree of its weight, at need to decide on the scheme of treatment.

Whether you know that:

In our intestines are born, millions of bacteria live and die. They can be seen only at strong increase, but if they gathered, then would be located in a usual coffee cup.