The vaginismus is morbid condition at women which is expressed in morbidity and impossibility of any vaginal penetration, including sexual intercourse, introduction of hygienic means and medical examination. At penetration there are involuntary reductions and spasms of a pubic and coccygeal muscle.
The vaginismus is followed by a pain syndrome, a spasm of muscles of a pelvic bottom and a vagina, and also can cause inflammatory processes in generative organs and neurologic frustration.
Neurotic frustration, injuries and irritations which provoked the acute protective mechanism of unconscious character are the main reason for this morbid condition. Often the depression, hysteria and obsessions are the reasons of a vaginismus.
In a vagina careless actions can provoke emergence of spasms during sexual intercourse, a bad erection at the sexual partner and sharply interrupted sexual intercourse.
The most common symptoms of a vaginismus are spasms of muscles of a vagina, hips, a basin and an abdominal wall, and also an acute pain at any vulval contacts. The spasm can have acute or slow character, arising during sexual intercourse or survey of a vagina, and also at mental perception of penetration. As a result of a spasm the entrance to a vagina is blocked that causes infringement of a generative organ of the partner.
Now in medicine allocate several degrees of a vaginismus – easy, average and heavy. How to treat a vaginismus at a certain stage, the medical effect depends. Easy degree of a disease is caused by neurologic frustration, phobias and neurosises. At a heavy stage of a current of a vaginismus serious psychological and medicinal therapy as the disease is followed by severe pain and heavy spasms of long character is required.
The vaginismus is an uncontrollable disease which has an adverse effect on a psychological, behavioural and emotional state of women. Girls and young women have a disease resulting in impossibility of sexual intercourse, can cause complexes, a depression and tendency to a suicide. Therefore treatment of a vaginismus has to carry not only medicamentous, but also psychological character.
Diagnosis of a vaginismus is carried out by means of gynecologic survey, medical consultations and diagnostic procedures (ultrasonography, blood test, collecting smears, etc.). An indispensable condition of diagnosis of a disease is psychological consultation with detection of complaints of the patient, problems in the sexual sphere, psychological injuries and phobias, negative sexual experience and physical pathologies.
Gynecologic survey reveals a condition of a vagina and existence of a spasm, inflammatory processes in generative organs and disturbances in their structure. If necessary such survey takes place under anesthesia or with use of weak anesthetics of drugs.
At an easy stage of a current the psychotherapist and the neurologist can define the reasons of a vaginismus and ways of its elimination by special inspection.
How to treat a vaginismus and timely to establish its reasons, efficiency of therapy and probability of an absolute recovery depend. The most effective is psychotherapeutic treatment with elimination of causes of illness.
The neurologist and the attending physician define factors which provoke emergence of vulval spasms of muscles and painful feelings. For an absolute recovery it is necessary to eliminate the physical, physiological, emotional and psychological reasons of a vaginismus.
Treatment has to have individual character and consist of psychological exercises, including, Valtard's complex and the weakening procedures.
If necessary the doctor appoints the anesthetizing drugs, novocainic ointment for decrease in sensitivity and morbidity of generative organs. Also the neurologist can recommend special exercises for removal of tension, a regular alternating douche and respiratory practicians.
During sneezing our organism completely stops working. Even heart stops.
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