Application instruction:
Venitan – drug with venotoniziruyushchy, local antiedematous and antiinflammatory action.
Venitan produce in the form of gel for external use (colourless or slightly opalescent, transparent, homogeneous), 50 g in aluminum tubas.
Active agent – эсцин in number of 10 mg is a part of 1 g of gel.
The auxiliary components which are a part of drug: methylhydroxybenzoate (methylparahydroxybenzoate) – 2 mg; sodium hydroxide – 0,97 mg; карбопол 934P (carboxypolymethylene) – 3 mg; half-oxameasures (лутрол F) – 200 mg; propylene glycol – 100 mg; the purified water – 684,03 mg.
Contraindication to Venitan's use is hypersensitivity to drug components.
Gel should be applied with care at tendency to fibrinferments.
Venitan apply outwardly.
A thin film of gel needs to be applied on skin of affected areas and around them then carefully to rub. Frequency rate of use – 2-3 times a day.
Patients with a varicosity of the lower extremities are recommended to wear also special pulling together panty hoses or to apply an elastic roller.
At Venitan's use development of allergic reactions in the form of a small tortoiseshell, a skin itch or rash is in some cases possible.
It is not recommended to apply drug on mucous membranes, the injured skin, and also in the presence of purulent processes. When drawing not to mass.
At sudden development of strongly expressed symptoms of venous insufficiency (skin discoloration, hypostasis, pain and feeling of tension), especially on one leg, it is necessary to exclude a vein thrombosis of the lower extremities. In case of similar symptoms of the patient has to see a doctor immediately.
Information on interaction with other medicines is absent.
To store in the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature up to 25 °C.
Period of validity – 2 years.
Name of drug
The most high temperature of a body was recorded at Uilli Jones (USA) who came to hospital with a temperature of 46,5 °C.
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