Main > Diseases> Vesiculitis


The vesiculitis, or spermatocystitis is an inflammation of the seed bubbles, pair bodies of a male reproductive system close to a prostate.Воспаление семенных пузырьков - везикулит

Vesiculitis reasons

The vesiculitis extremely seldom happens primary, or independent disease. Most often it accompanies other diseases of urinogenital system – prostatitis, an epididymite, an orchitis or an urethritis, Effective treatment of prostatitis will provide you in clinic "Practical work". In certain cases can be a complication of the general diseases of an organism – a viral infection, tonsillitis, antritis, etc. In the first case vesiculitis activators as a rule, are the infection, sexually transmitted (I,ST): chlamydias, ureaplasmas, mycoplasmas, trichomonads, gonokokk. The infection as a result of the next inflammation gets into seed bubbles on a deferent duct.

In the second case the infectious activator is the virus or a bacterium which caused a basic disease. From the remote sources such infection gets to seed bubbles with a blood flow.

The factors promoting emergence of a vesiculitis, however, as well as other inflammatory diseases of the men's sexual sphere, are:

  • Developments of stagnation in a small basin as a result of a slow-moving way of life;
  • Overcooling;
  • Disharmonious sexual life: irregular sex life, too rough sexual activity, rare sexual activity, often used interrupted sexual intercourse;
  • The unhealthy food promoting frequent locks;
  • Existence in an organism of the centers of persistent infection (хрониосепсис): carious teeth, chronic antritis, etc.

Vesiculitis symptoms

Distinguish an acute and chronic vesiculitis. Most often the disease proceeds in a chronic form.

The acute vesiculitis begins suddenly, with severe pains in a bladder, a rectum, giving to a groin, a crotch, a sacrum, a waist. At a muscle tension of a pelvic bottom pain amplifies, at defecation bloody allocations from an urethra can appear. Vesiculitis signs in an acute form are followed by the general aggravation of symptoms: high temperature rises (39 °C and above), head and muscular and joint pains, weakness, nausea develop. The acute vesiculitis can end with self-healing, pass into a chronic form that meets most often, or to cause a complication in the form of suppuration of seed bubbles.

The chronic vesiculitis has the symptoms similar to an acute vesiculitis, but in less expressed form. Pain is unsharp, non-constant, the aching character, in suprapubic area, a crotch, a rectum, a sacrum. Pain can amplify or develop at defecation and an urination. There is painful an eyakulyation, in semen blood traces appear. Signs of a vesiculitis can sometimes be absent, then speak about the asymptomatic course of a disease.

The chronic vesiculitis in the absence of treatment causes degenerative disturbances in seed bubbles that breaks production of sperm and leads to infertility. Also frustration of an urination as a result of spread of an infection on urinary tract, and erectile dysfunction belong to complications of a chronic vesiculitis.

Diagnosis of a vesiculitis

The diagnosis is made on the basis of characteristic symptoms of a vesiculitis, data of a manual rectal research, data of transrectal ultrasonography (ТрУЗИ), the general and biochemical blood tests and urine, and also a bacteriological research of a secret of seed bubbles. At a chronic vesiculitis investigate a spermogram.

Treatment of a vesiculitis

Treatment of a vesiculitis needs to be carried out surely in a complex with treatment of a basic disease.

Treatment of a vesiculitis in an acute form is begun with prescription of antibiotics of a broad spectrum of activity, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For prevention of locks appoint soft purgatives in combination with a diet. Antiinflammatory substances apply also in the form of rectal candles and warm microclysters. At removal of symptoms of an acute inflammation treatment of a vesiculitis is continued by physiotherapeutic means: UVCh-therapy, ultrasonic therapy, magnetotherapy, laser therapy, therapy by the sinusoidal modulated currents, an electrophoresis. Appoint massage of seed bubbles, warm sedentary trays.

Лечение везикулита у мужчин

Treatment of a chronic vesiculitis is carried out according to the similar scheme: antibiotics + anti-inflammatory drugs in the general and local form, physical therapy, massage. Difference is that antibiotics carefully are selected taking into account data of bacterial crops of sperm, are applied by several consecutive courses with drug change, antiinflammatory therapy is carried out using hormonal drugs.

Successful treatment of a vesiculitis requires change of a usual way of life on healthier that assumes healthy food, regular bowel emptying, more mobile way of life interfering emergence of developments of stagnation in a small basin, regular sex life with the constant partner. Without similar changes treatment of a chronic vesiculitis can be or unsuccessful, or make only short-term success, and sooner or later symptoms of a vesiculitis will appear again.

Vesiculitis complications

Suppuration of seed bubbles can be a complication of a vesiculitis. A vesiculitis sign in the complicated form is the sharp exacerbation of a disease, rise in temperature, the acute pain in suprapubic area amplifying at a basin muscle tension, the general aggravation of symptoms. Such state demands immediate hospitalization and urgent surgical intervention: seed bubbles open, drain, giving outflow I suppurate, wash out solutions of antiseptic agents, appoint antibiotics of a broad spectrum of activity.

Infertility can also be a complication of an inflammation of seed bubbles, is especially long proceeding. In this case symptoms of a vesiculitis are often so greased that the disease comes to light at inspection concerning infertility. If seed bubbles as a result of a chronic inflammation are atrophied and sclerosed, unfortunately, it is not possible to recover their normal functioning even at successful treatment of a disease and elimination of an infection any more.

For this reason treatment of a vesiculitis has to be timely, persistent and surely brought to full treatment.

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