B4 vitamin

B4 vitamin (sincaline) is produced in intestines of the person by beneficial bacteria. Liver cells also synthesize a certain amount of sincaline.

Печень - источник витамина В4

Biological functions of B4 vitamin (sincaline):

  • Takes part in development of acetylcholine which is necessary for the correct work of a nervous system;
  • Keeps integrity of cellular membranes;
  • Is in composition of lecithin;
  • Prevents many diseases of a nervous system;
  • Lowers cholesterol level;
  • At hepatitis and an alcoholism resists to injury of a liver.

Sincaline is especially necessary for school students, students and persons who are engaged in brainwork. It promotes concentration of attention and the best storing of a training material. By results of recently conducted researches it was revealed that the high content of B4 vitamin in a food allowance, is capable not only to prevent Alzheimer's disease, but also when it developed – to slow down progressing of a disease.

Need of an organism for B4 vitamin

Depending on exercise and intellectual stresses, the daily need for B4 vitamin at people is various, but on average the organism of the adult needs from 0,5 to 1 g. At decrease in a food allowance of the proteins containing methionine, the need for B4 vitamin increases. These squirrels are a donator of the methyl groups participating in synthesis in a sincaline organism.

B4 vitamin in food stuffs

B4 vitamin is in products of an animal and plant origin:

  • Egg yolks;
  • Meat, kidneys and liver;
  • To fish;
  • Cheese and cottage cheese;
  • The vegetable oil which is not refined;
  • Yeast;
  • Bean;
  • Bran;
  • Carrots;
  • Spinach;
  • Tomatoes.

Some medicinal plants also contain sincaline:

  • St. John's Wort;
  • Hawthorn;
  • Nettle;
  • Dandelion;
  • Plantain;
  • Chicory;
  • Yarrow;
  • Elder;
  • Shepherd's bag and so forth.

B4 vitamin in products comes to an organism at the use of bread of a rough grinding, porridge. In autumn time it is recommended for completion of B4 vitamin is a crude white cabbage in the form of salads. And in winter time sauerkraut well approaches. It is possible to add young leaves of a nettle and a dandelion to salads and vinaigrettes in the early spring. They need previously to be drenched with boiled water and to crush. It is possible to prepare fresh juice. For this purpose young leaves need to be passed via the meat grinder then to wring out green material through several layers of a gauze. To drink this juice on 1-2 tsps on a third of a glass of warm water twice a day.

Lack of B4 vitamin of an organism

Restriction of the food containing B4 vitamin leads to development of a hypovitaminic state. Also can bring deficit of folic acid and cyanocobalamine to it, necessary for sincaline synthesis. Deficit of B4 vitamin is shown:

  • Growth inhibition;
  • Development of fatty infiltration of a liver;
  • Degeneration of the canalicular device of kidneys.

B4 vitamin (sincaline) participates in the solution of problems of such diseases: cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis, infectious diseases, atherosclerosis of vessels of heart, eye, brain, lower extremities, hypothyroidism, diseases of a nervous system.

B4 vitamin surplus

The overdose of sincaline causes organism intoxication - it is the increased salivation, falling of arterial pressure, oppression of work of a cardiac muscle, increase in a vermicular movement of guts, etc.

Витамин B4 в продуктах

B4 vitamin in tablets

At symptoms of avitaminosis it is much more effective to accept group B vitamins in tablets. In spite of the fact that B4 vitamin is in many food stuffs, it is possible that its receipt in an organism insufficient. And therefore, that there were no problems with health, it is recommended to accept B4 vitamin in tablets.

At reception of vitamins, they need to be washed down only purely with water. It is undesirable to take alcoholic beverages and black tea during treatment since they strongly reduce absorption of vitamins of group B.

To achieve the maximum effect of reception of B4 vitamin in tablets, it is necessary to observe the recommended course. It averages three weeks.

Whether you know that:

The most rare disease – a disease the Kura. Only representatives of the tribe Faure in New Guinea are ill it. The patient dies of laughter. It is considered that eating of a human brain is an origin of a disease.