Vitamin E

Vitamin E – tocopherol, antioxidant, fat-soluble vitamin. Tocopherol was discovered in 1922 and in alphabetic classification occupied the fifth number. From here and the name - vitamin E.

Витамин E - токоферол

During the researches it was established that its shortage in a diet at laboratory rats led to the fact that during pregnancy at them the fruit perished, and at males there came the testicular atrophy.

The lack of vitamin E leads to disbolism, development of local air hunger owing to decline in the ability of blood to oxygen transfer. Deficit of tocopherol leads to destruction of erythrocytes owing to disturbance of stability of their membranes.

Tocopherol role for an organism

Tocopherol is necessary for an angenesis, improves blood circulation, promotes treatment of fibrous diseases of a breast and is useful at a premenstrual syndrome. He promotes normal coagulability of blood and accelerates healing, reduces probability of formation of scars from deep wounds, stabilizes blood pressure, prevents development of a cataract, removes spasms of legs, prevents anemia, supports health of muscles and nerves, improves athletic achievements, strengthens walls of capillaries.

Vitamin E is useful to hair. It is considered that practically in 80% of cases of a hair loss shortage of tocopherol is the reason. Tocopherol is responsible for delivery of oxygen to head skin, improving its blood supply, stimulating, feeding and humidifying skin cells. Thus, use of vitamin E for hair improves their state and growth. Their structure improves, there is gloss, and ringlets become stronger.

Tocopherol carries out an antioxidant role, protecting cells from damage, creating free radicals, slowing down oxidation of lipids. It is necessary for protection of other fat-soluble vitamins against destruction by their oxygen, promotes the best digestion of vitamin A, slows down aging of an organism and prevents development of senile pigmentation.

Vitamin E participates in formation of elastic and collagenic fibers of intercellular substance, prevents the increased coagulability of blood, exerts positive impact on peripheric circulation, gem and proteins, formation of gonadotrophins takes part in proliferation of cells, development of a placenta, biosynthesis.

In 1977 scientifically proved that tocopherol is capable to facilitate a current of a diabetes mellitus and Alzheimer's disease, improves immune function of an organism.

Lack of vitamin E of an organism

Deficit of tocopherol is possible at a hereditary abetalipoproteinemiya when vitamin transportation is broken.

First of all, shortage of tocopherol leads to damage of muscle fibers and neurons – the cells having the big membrane surface and a high tension of processes of oxidation. Neurons develop active forms of oxygen. Also cells of a spermatogenic epithelium, germinal fabrics, an epithelium of nephrons and quickly proliferating cells of hepatocytes suffer.

Hypovitaminosis of tocopherol causes a fabric hypoxia in bodies with the increased oxygen requirement.

Clinical manifestations of a lack of vitamin E:

  • Decrease in a potentiality at men;
  • Hypomyotonia and muscular weakness;
  • Early toxicosis of pregnancy;
  • Tendency to abortions;
  • The hemolysis of erythrocytes caused by disturbance of stability of their membranes;
  • The eye retina degeneration caused by secondary disturbance of exchange of vitamin A;
  • Hyporeflexia, ataxy, gipoesteziya, dysarthtia owing to demyelination and a glinoz in a spinal cord;
  • Necrobiotic changes in a kanaltsiyevy epithelium of kidneys, hepatocytes up to development of gepatonekroz and a nephrotic syndrome.

Excess of tocopherol in an organism

At treatment by tocopherol development of a hypervitaminosis owing to which develop the hypocoagulation caused by vitamin K absorption disturbance, thrombocytopenia, a hypoglycemia, the dispepsichesky phenomena, easing of twilight sight owing to antagonism with vitamin A, muscular spasms, weakening of a potentiality, a headache, weakness is possible.

Tocopherol is rather non-toxical and does not cause any serious side effects. At high dosages the passing diarrhea, a meteorism, nausea can develop. Increase in blood pressure is in certain cases noted.

Reception of tocopherol in extremely high dosages (more than 10 thousand ME a day) during pregnancy can cause inborn defects in a fruit.

Content of vitamin E in products

Amount of vitamin E in products the following (mg / 100):

  • Split peas – 9,1;
  • Oil soy – 114;
  • Olive oil – 13;
  • Corn oil – 93;
  • Oil cotton – 99;
  • Sunflower oil – 56;
  • Corn and wheaten sprouts – 25;
  • Corn grits – 2,7;
  • Mackerel – 1,6;
  • Grits – 3,4;
  • Corn – 5,5;
  • Squids – 2,2;
  • Pike perch – 1,8;
  • Haricot – 3,84;
  • Soy – 17,3;
  • Pearl barley – 3,7;
  • Shrimps – 2,27;
  • Unground buckwheat – 6,65;
  • Eggs – 2

Also products contain vitamin E: pears, apples, citrus, liver, almonds, peanut, sunflower seeds, some vegetables.

Содержание витамина E в продуктах

Daily need for tocopherol

The daily need for tocopherol makes 8-10 mg for adults, and for children of the first year of life – 3-5 mg. In dietary food norm consumption of tocopherol in a dosage of 15 mg a day is considered.

The drugs containing vitamin E

Treat pharmacological drugs as a part of which there is a tocopherol: Aevitum, Tocopherol acetate, Vitrum Vitamin E, Vitamin E Zentiva.

Also tocopherol contains in the following dietary supplements: Kudesang forte, Vetoron-E.

Vitamin E interaction

Edible polyunsaturated oils and fats increase the need for tocopherol. Sometimes prevention of deficit requires acceptance from 5 to 20 mg a day. The approximate ratio of the use of tocopherol for prevention of its deficit at increase in reception of polyunsaturated oils and fats makes 0,4 mg of tocopherol on 1 g of fat.

The lack of vitamin E can lead to decrease in concentration of magnesium in fabrics.

Tocopherol and selenium are so closely connected with each other that reception of one for completion deficit demands proportional reception of another.

If together with tocopherol to accept trivalent iron, then tocopherol will be oxidized, and it will get into intestines in an inactive form. The bivalent form of iron of oxidation does not cause.

At influence of UV rays tocopherol loses the medical influence. Rancid fats destroy vitamin E.

The lack of zinc can strengthen symptoms of shortage of tocopherol.

Whether you know that:

The 74-year-old resident of Australia James Harrison became blood donor about 1000 times. It has a rare blood group which antibodies help to survive the newborn with a severe form of anemia. Thus, the Australian saved about two million children.