Vitamin H

Water-soluble vitamin H – biotin – comes to a human body with food, and also can be synthesized in intestines. Vitamin H participates in all exchange processes (proteinaceous, fatty and carbohydrate), protein synthesis, stearin and acids, and at its deficit anemias and various dermatosis can develop. In some sources vitamin N is called B7 vitamin.

Содержание витамина H в продуктах

Value of biotin. Vitamin H in products

Biotin has a promoting effect on formation of fatty acids, and also for their processing together with carbohydrates. The minimum daily need for vitamin H makes about 0,15-0,2 mg. For pregnant women and the feeding women this dose makes 0,25-0,3 mg a day.

The products containing vitamin H are:

  • Yeast;
  • Milk;
  • Liver;
  • Kidneys;
  • Eggs;
  • Nuts;
  • Fish.

Also it is included in structure of various polyvitaminic complexes which appoint in the period of the acute need for vitamins (intensive growth, exercise stresses), and also at decrease in consumption (diseases of a digestive tract, old age, unbalanced diets). Unlike some other vitamins risk of overdose by biotin minimum.

Deficit of vitamin H

There is a direct dependence between a condition of hair both their health and sufficient level of vitamin N in a human body. In particular biotin regulates the daily number of the dropped-out hair, is prevention of baldness and protects from emergence of a gray hair.

In process of progressing of avitaminosis of H such symptoms as pallor, dryness and a peeling of integuments join. In lips dermatitis develops. In hard cases nausea, lack of appetite, drowsiness, weakness, a depression, a hair loss, conjunctivitis, muscular pains and loss of a tone of muscles, an ataxia, anemia, increase in blood of level of sugar and "bad" cholesterol is observed.

In practice the alimentary lack of vitamin H meets seldom. As a rule, he can be met at the people, during long term eating crude proteins of eggs as they contain the substance connecting biotin and interfering its assimilation. Also deficit of vitamin H is observed at patients who during long term are on parenteral food and do not receive at the same time biotin drugs. He is sometimes possible at long antibacterial therapy when intestinal microflora is not able to synthesize this substance fully.

The lack of vitamin H can develop also against the background of deficit of magnesium which has to activate biotin, at the constant use of saccharin instead of sugar, and also products which preservatives are sulphurous connections. Observe deficit of biotin and at the persons abusing alcohol.

Молоко и орехи - источники витамина H

Deficit of vitamin H can be confirmed or disproved by means of a laboratory research of urine – its daily allocation has to make from 11 to 183 mkg. At suspicion appoint trial treatment to existence of deficit of biotin – 10 mg of substance a day. Improvement of a condition of the patient and disappearance of symptoms against the background of trial therapy are confirmation of the diagnosis.

The lack of vitamin H of an organism can be also observed at a hereditary disease – deficit of biotinidase. More often the disease is shown in the first several days after the child's birth, but some cases can gradually develop and remain unnoticed on early terms.

At this frustration of a metabolism the biotin which arrived with food stuffs is not emitted in the course of digestion and digestion of proteins with cells. Without correction of a state at this category of patients mental disorders, pristupoobrazny spasms, problems with training are observed, and in the started cases the coma which the lethal outcome follows develops. For normalization of quality of life of such patients it is necessary to provide them daily amount of vitamin N at the level of 5-10 mg.

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