Water diet

What is represented by a water diet

Водная диета основана на употреблении большого количества водыThe water diet is based on the use of a large amount of water. It is difficult to revaluate a role of this transparent liquid in human life, however very few people know about efficiency of a water diet for weight loss. The lack of water of an organism causes not only early emergence of wrinkles, dry hair, dim skin, headaches, constant feeling of fatigue, digestion disturbance, but also excess weight. All the matter is that it is often difficult to people to distinguish feeling of hunger from thirst, and it, in turn, leads to the use of food in the quantity exceeding real requirements of an organism.

As reviews of a water diet testify, it is enough to drink about 2,5 liters of water a day to lose weight with little effort. Naturally, sports activities, refusal of greasy and caloric food will accelerate this process, however it is not the main condition.

Mode of a water diet

Many nutritionists recommend to begin the day with a glass of simple water, it will allow to adjust an organism on awakening and at the same time to fill a stomach. Before going to bed liquid it is better not to abuse, drink water follows not later than 3-4 hours to a dream.

The water diet assumes the use of water in 20 minutes prior to meal and in 1,5-2 hours later. Need of observance of temporary intervals is caused by ability of water to dilute a gastric juice that leads to decrease in concentration of digestive enzymes, and it, in turn, complicates process of digestion and promotes postponement of reserves of fat "for later". For this reason to drink water follows or on a hungry stomach or after the most part of the eaten food is already digested. Observing time intervals, water needs to be drunk always when there is a feeling of hunger.

In order that the water diet for weight loss had the maximum effect, it is necessary to implement the following recommendations:

  • Water has to be room temperature. Some "specialists" consider that the use of cold water is more effective for weight loss as additional energy is spent by an organism for that to heat it. However actually the situation is in a different way: cold water promotes delay of exchange processes that leads not to reduction of weight, and to its increase.
  • It is necessary to refuse tea, coffee, wine, sparkling water, beer as these drinks have diuretic properties. The use of slabomineralizirovanny water without gas which will not break digestion is admissible, but at the same time will supply an organism with a large amount of useful substances.
  • It is forbidden to use water during meal, especially during absorption of flour products as it can entail a set of extra kilos.
  • According to opinion of specialists and responses, it is the best of all to begin to realize a water diet in the summer as at this time work of gonads is sped most up that allows to lower load of a bladder at a liquid conclusion from an organism.
  • It is recommended to drink water slowly, small drinks, the use for once of several glasses of liquid is contraindicated.

The day norm which should be drunk throughout a water diet is calculated in the following form: 40 ml of water are multiplied by weight. The received volume of liquid is meant as only clear water, the use of tea or coffee, and also sports activities and a strong heat assume increase in the recommended indicators in the big party.

The water diet for weight loss, as well as any other, is expected a certain period therefore after 2-4 weeks of observance of such drinking mode 3-4 weeks of a break are recommended. Especially it concerns those people За месяц с помощью водной диеты можно сбросить 7-10 кгwhose recommended day norm exceeds 2,5 liters.

Advantages and shortcomings of a water diet

The water diet, responses confirm, is efficiently fight against excess weight – in a month from 7 to 10 kilograms "are irrevocably burned". However positive sides are not limited to it, results of a water diet are shown in improvement of a condition of skin, normalization of blood pressure and work of intestines, absence of headaches and fatigue, feeling of cheerfulness and the increased working capacity.

In order that the volume of a stomach decreased and he learned to be sated with small portions of food, it is enough to adhere to a water diet within one month. To hurry to prolong this diet is not necessary as it can do harm to an organism in the form of hypostases, the increased arterial pressure, excessive load of kidneys and a bladder. One of negative sides of such drinking mode is washing away from an organism of a large amount of useful substances, the situation can be corrected reception of mineral and vitamin complexes, calciferous and sodium.

Whether you know that:

Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.