Main > Diseases> Inborn heart disease

Inborn heart disease

Short characteristic of a disease

Врожденный порок сердца у новорожденныхInborn heart disease is the anatomic defect of heart, its vessels, or valves arising still vnutriutrobno.

Inborn heart disease at children can be imperceptible, but can be shown right after the birth. On average this disease meets in 30% of cases and takes the 1st place among the diseases causing the death of newborns and children about one year. After a year the mortality percentage falls, and aged 1-15l. about 5% of children die.

Allocate seven main types of inborn heart disease at newborns: pathology of an interventricular partition, pathology of an interatrial partition, aortal coarctation, aortal stenosis, open arterial channel, transposition of big main vessels, stenosis of a pulmonary artery.

Emergence reasons

The main reasons for emergence of inborn defect are external impacts on a fruit in 1 m a pregnancy trimester. The viral disease of mother (for example, a rubella), radiation exposure, medicamentous influence, drug addiction, alcoholism of mother can cause defect of development of heart.

The large role is played also by health of the father of the child, but at the same time genetic factors on development of inborn heart disease in children play the smallest role.

Mark out also such risk factors: toxicosis and threat of an abortion in 1 m a trimester, existence in the past of the pregnancies which are coming to an end with the birth of the dead child, existence in the family anamnesis of children with inborn defects (at the immediate family), endocrine pathologies of both spouses, age of mother.

Symptoms of inborn heart disease

At newborns with inborn heart disease the bluish or blue color of lips, auricles, skin is marked. Also cyanosis at the child can be shown when he shouts or sucks a breast. Bluish skin color is characteristic to so-called "blue heart diseases", but there are also "white inborn defects" at which at the child are observed blanching of skin, cold hands and legs.

In heart of the child noise are heard. This symptom not the main, but at its existence it is necessary to take care of additional inspection.

Cases when defect is followed by heart failure are known. Forecast at the same time in most cases adverse.

Anatomic pathologies of heart can be seen on an ECG, an ekhokardiogramma, on x-ray films.

If inborn heart disease right after the birth is imperceptible, the child can look healthy for the ten first years of life. But after that there is noticeable a deviation in physical development, cyanosis or pallor of skin is shown, at exercise stresses short wind develops.

Diagnosis of a disease

The doctor makes primary diagnosis at survey of the child and listening of heart. If there are reasons to suspect inborn heart disease, the child is sent to an additional examination. Apply various diagnostic methods, there is also an opportunity to inspect the fruit which is in mother's womb.

Apply a fetalis echocardiography to inspection of the pregnant woman. It is ultrasonic diagnosis, safe for mother and a fruit, allowing to reveal pathology and to plan treatment of inborn heart disease.

The echocardiography is a one more type of ultrasonic inspection, but already been born child, helps to see structure of heart, defects, the narrowed vessels, to estimate cardiac performance.

The electrocardiography is applied to assessment of cordial conductivity, work of a cardiac muscle.

Apply a thorax X-ray analysis to definition of heart failure. It is so possible to see excess liquid in lungs, a cardiomegaly.

One more radiological method of detection of inborn heart disease is vascular catheterization. Through a femoral artery enter contrast into a blood stream and do a series of x-ray films. It is so possible to estimate structure of heart, to determine pressure level in its cameras.

Oxygen apply a pulsoksimetriya to blood saturation assessment – by means of the sensor which is put on the child's finger register oxygen level.

Treatment of inborn heart disease

The method of treatment of defect is chosen depending on its type. So, apply low-invasive procedures with catheterization, open surgical intervention, transplantation, medicinal therapy.

The catheter equipment allows to carry out treatment of inborn heart diseases without radical surgical intervention. Through a vein on a hip enter a catheter, under X-ray control bring it to heart, and bring special thin tools to the place of defect.

Операцию при врожденном пороке сердца назначают, если нет возможности использовать катетеризациюOperation is appointed if there is no opportunity to use catheterization. This method differs in longer and difficult period of recovery.

Sometimes operational treatment of inborn heart diseases, is preferential in hard cases, carry out in several steps.

At the defects which are not subject to treatment, heart transplantation is shown to the child.

Medicinal therapy is applied often to treatment of adults, children of advanced age. By means of medicines it is possible to improve cordial function, to provide normal blood supply.

Prevention of a disease

Conditionally prevention of inborn heart diseases is divided into prevention of their development, prevention of their adverse development and prevention of complications.

Prevention of emergence of defect consists more in medicogenetic consultation at a stage of preparation for pregnancy, than to any specific actions. For example, it is necessary to warn about undesirability of pregnancy at the woman in whose family (or in the partner's family) there are three and more people with inborn defects. It is not recommended to give birth to children to married couple where both partners have this disease. Carefully the woman who had a rubella has to be inspected.

For the prevention of adverse development of a disease it is necessary to carry out necessary diagnostic procedures in time, to pick up and carry out optimum treatment for correction of a state. For the child with inborn defect and transferred its treatment careful special leaving is necessary. Often mortality of children with inborn defect aged about one year is connected with insufficient care of the child.

For prevention of complications of a disease it is necessary to be engaged in the prevention directly of these complications.

Because of inborn heart disease can arise: a bacterial endocarditis, a polycythemia ("pachemia") causing thrombosis, headaches, an inflammation of peripheral vessels, thromboembolisms of vessels of a brain, respiratory diseases, complications from lungs and their vessels.

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