The exudate is the morbid condition which is characterized by accumulation of any biological liquid in one of perigastriums. The exudate represents a symptom of an inflammation or excess of blood in internals or fabrics, and treatment has to be directed to elimination of a basic disease.
The pleural exudate is followed by thorax pain and an asthma. This accumulation of the following liquids in a pleural cavity:
Diseases which can provoke a pleural exudate:
Incorrect introduction of intravenous catheters or plastic tubes, and also some medicines – гидралазин, procaineamide, an isoniazid, Phenytoinum and others can become the reason of an exudate.
Diagnosis of accumulation of liquids in a pleural cavity includes:
In cases when the source of a pleural exudate did not manage to be revealed during these procedures, carry out a puncture, a biopsy or a bronkhoskopiya. The puncture allows to establish existence in chemical composition of liquid of mushrooms, bacteria and malignant cells. For this purpose a needle separate liquid, at the same time draining a cavity. If the sample for diagnosis is not enough, then do an open biopsy of a pleura – cut a thorax a little and take fabric by means of a toratoskop. Sometimes resort to a bronkhoskopiya – direct visual studying of respiratory tracts by means of the bronchoscope. Statistically, in 20% of cases of the reason of an exudate it is not possible to define.
Depending on weight of an exudate excesses of liquid eliminate with a needle, a catheter or the plastic tube connected to drainage system.
The exudate of a knee joint is usually caused by inflammatory diseases, injuries or excessive loadings. For definition of the reasons of accumulation of liquid in a knee it is required to study its sample. Emergence of an exudate in a joint is caused by such factors as age, obesity and a kind of activity. The risk increases after 55 years as at elderly there are diseases of joints more often. Additional load of knees can arise at people with an excess weight or at professional athletes. Over time overloads lead to injuries of a cartilage, and it is a common cause of an exudate.
Liquid can collect after fractures of bones, a rupture of a meniscus or sheaves, and also at chronic diseases:
Exudate signs in a joint are:
Diagnosis consists in carrying out a number of procedures:
Blood test, aspiration of a joint and arthroscopy belong to invasive methods. Blood test allows to diagnose the infectious and inflammatory diseases accompanying an exudate, for example, Lyme's disease or gout. Aspiration of a joint, or артроцентез, is carried out in order that in the accumulated liquid to check presence of bacteria, blood, crystals of uric acid and other inclusions. Samples can be also taken in time of survey of a surface of a joint by means of an artroskop who is entered into a joint.
Drug treatment of an exudate of a knee joint is intended to remove its initial cause, and in hard cases surgical intervention can consist to liquid or replacement of a joint at a distance.
The exudate in a small basin is accumulation of free liquid which can be observed and is normal. For example, at women right after an ovulation liquid contents from the become torn follicle get to space behind a uterus, and in 2-3 days disappear. This sign is used at treatment of infertility as a peculiar marker of an ovulation.
The following pathologies can be the reasons of an exudate:
Diagnosis is carried out generally by means of ultrasonography. Treatment can be conservative or operational depending on the accompanying diseases.
Existence of an exudate in a joint, pleural cavity or in a small pelvis is an important diagnostic symptom of various inflammatory diseases and demands the immediate address to the doctor.
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