Application instruction:
Vitaon – an antiseptic agent.
Vitaon has the regenerating, anelgeziruyushchy, wound healing, antimicrobic, antiinflammatory property.
Drug contains plant extracts, camphor in structure, increases resistance of an organism to negative impacts of the environment, promotes equal suntan without effects, tones up, softens, rejuvenates skin.
Release Vitaon's oral cavity balm, Vitaon luxury, Vitaon baby, Vitaon cream. All of them enter into group of the balms Vitaon Karavayeva representing parapharmaceutical means of external use.
Vitaon Karavayeva mint, a wormwood, a camomile, a dogrose, a yarrow, a St. John's Wort, caraway seeds, fennel, a calendula, a celandine, buds of a pine, soy or olive oil are a part of balms.
Balm Vitaon is appointed for treatment of dermatitis, by eczemas, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, for healing of burns, cracks, ulcers, wounds.
In a proctology Vitaon is applied to treatment of a proctitis, a paraproctitis, hemorrhoids; in stomatology – an alveolitis, an ulitis, periodontosis, stomatitis. According to the instruction Vitaon it is possible to apply also in obstetrics, gynecology – to treatment of candidiasis, an erosion of a neck of uterus. Balm Vitaon is used also for treatment of rhinitis, tonsillitis, antritis, otitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis. In cosmetology balm is applied to healing of integuments after plastic surgeries.
Vitaon of baby is used in pediatrics for elimination of an intertrigo, a potnichka, just for daily care of skin of babies, can be applied instead of massage oil. Also it is effective for healing of cracks on nipples, лактостаз at mother.
Vitaon Karavayeva apply outwardly. The bandage is impregnated with balm and imposed on an affected area. Each two-three days as she gets wet change it. If there is no opportunity to apply a bandage, balm is applied on the site of skin demanding treatment two р / day (0,1-0,5ml on 100 sq. cm of the area of the struck surface).
Vitaon babies put with a layer 1-2ml and allow to be absorbed. Usually it is put by places where skin folds, after bathing are formed, when changing diapers, diapers.
If Vitaon of baby is used for care of a breast of the nursing mother, it is applied on clean skin of a breast, a pacifier to, after feeding, allow to be absorbed.
Vitaon's oral cavity balm is applied on mucous a mouth, by gingivas after toothbrushing in the morning, in the evening. According to Vitaon's instruction it is possible to use balm in pure form – 0,5 chayn.lozhka or in the diluted look for rinsing – 0,5 chayn.lozhki/0,25 the Art. of water of boiled room temperature.
Side effects after use Vitaon Karavayeva are not revealed.
Vitaon is contraindicated to patients in whom the intolerance at least of one plant extract which is a part of balm is found.
Name of drug
Vitaon Karavayev's balm фл 25 ml, Litomed of Ltd company (Moscow)
158 rub.
Vitaon Karavayev's balm фл 30 ml for skin, Litomed of Ltd company (Moscow)
171 rub.
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