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18 week of pregnancy

On the 18th week of pregnancy to future child 16 weeks or 4,5 lunar months from that day as there was a fertilization are executed.Размер плода на 18 неделе беременности - 20-22 см

Changes of a fruit

The fruit size on the 18th week of pregnancy in length makes 20 - 22 cm, weight it can reach 200 g. All bodies of future baby continue to grow and develop.

The bone system of a fruit accumulates calcium salts, actively taking away it from mother's organism. On fingers of handles and legs of future kid phalanxes clearly are defined, and on small pillows of fingers the pattern of prints, unique for each person, is defined.

On the 18th week of pregnancy in hypodermic cellulose fat begins to be laid, outlines of a body of a fruit become more roundish, on skin folds appear.

Actively all sections of a brain develop. Eye retina cells are differentiated, it becomes more sensitive, and the fruit on the 18th week of pregnancy can distinguish light from darkness. By this time he also hears loud sounds which reach it from the outside. So future child through a stomach in 18 weeks of pregnancy begins to meet already the mother, getting used to her voice.

The fruit actively moves, and it is most active in evening and night time. The periods of wakefulness are replaced by intervals of decrease of the activity which average duration makes 4 hours.

Heart of future child is well developed, and performing ultrasonography on the 18th week of pregnancy allows to see the majority of congenital anomalies of its development. The fruit cardiac rhythm averages 154 – 164 beats per minute now.

Fruit respiratory tracts continue to be differentiated, the trachea is divided into two primary bronchi. Over time there is a branching of respiratory system of a fruit on smaller bronchial tubes.Вес плода на 18 неделе беременности - 200 грамм

On the 18th week of pregnancy the uterus and uterine tubes of future girl take the constant place in an abdominal cavity.

Changes in the woman's organism on the 18th week of pregnancy

The stomach on the 18th week of pregnancy does not reach navel level very little. It already so increased that can cause difficulties when backfilling. It is the best of all to hold during sleep position on the left side, then blood circulation will be more physiologic.

To this duration of gestation the woman can gain in addition up to 6 kg of weight depending on initial build. To define individual norm of weight increases, the body weight index which was before pregnancy is taken into account.

Allocations on the 18th week of pregnancy from nipples of mammary glands should not frighten the woman, as well as hillocks on an areola of nipples. They do not need to be squeezed out – it can provoke increase in a tone of a uterus that is especially dangerous at threat of abortion.

Pains on the 18th week the pregnancies arising in a waist are connected with increase in load of a back and shift of the center of gravity.

The woman on the 18th week of pregnancy sometimes suffers from heartburn, locks, accumulation of gases in intestines. These unpleasant symptoms can be corrected the correct diet rich with a cellulose.

Inspection on the 18th week of pregnancy

On such duration of gestation the woman makes a planned visit to the doctor who watches a current of this period. During survey the obstetrician-gynecologist carries out weighing, reads blood pressure on both hands, height of standing of an uterine fundus over a bosom, listens to heartbeat of a fruit.

Ultrasonography on the 18th week of pregnancy is appointed only when there are doubts in wellbeing of a fruit, for example, at its excess activity or, on the contrary, if mother ceased to hear stirs of a fruit. On ultrasonography in 18 weeks of pregnancy it is well visible a fruit sex, and also the majority of anomalies of development.

Control of urine according to the general analysis is obligatory, it allows to reveal toxicosis on the earliest terms when there are no complaints to disturbance of health or other symptoms.

Whether you know that:

The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.