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21 weeks of pregnancy

On 21 weeks of pregnancy to a fruit of 19 weeks from the moment of conception, there is the sixth lunar month of its development. The second half of pregnancy began.Размер плода на 21 неделе беременности - 27 см

Changes of a fruit

The fruit size on 21 weeks of pregnancy by rules is measured not from a tailbone to a darkness any more, and from heels to a darkness. Weight reaches it 360 - 400, the fruit size on 21 weeks of pregnancy in length about 27 cm.

The child continues to grow quickly, consuming more and more nutrients. He regularly swallows of amniotic waters, carrying out a training for a digestive tract. In his stomach digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid are already formed.

In language flavoring nipples form, from duration of gestation 21 weeks can distinguish a fruit salty, sweet, acid and bitter.

Thermal control at a fruit is not debugged yet, and constancy of temperature of his body is reached at the expense of amniotic waters which maintain temperature, optimum for life. But nevertheless, thanks to development of skin and an adiposity in hypodermic cellulose, thermal control of a fruit improves a little.

On 21 weeks of pregnancy the nervous system and a brain of future baby intensively develops. It becomes obvious if to compare the pre-natal movements of a fruit in dynamics. Clearly it is visible that they became more exact and coordinated – the kid not just stretches and kicks, but also feels the handles an umbilical cord, a body and a face, is able to squeeze a cam and to inflate cheeks. On 21 weeks of pregnancy still early to speak about head or pelvic presentation – it constantly changes the situation.

Actively bone and muscular systems of future child because of what force of pushes becomes stronger from within, develop especially at night.

Excess physical activity in a maternal stomach on 21 weeks of pregnancy can testify also to a chronic hypoxia of a fruit.

On ultrasonography on 21 weeks of pregnancy it is possible to estimate extent of maturing and thickness of a placenta, it is normal young and thickness of its about 23 mm.

Changes in the woman's organism on 21 weeks of pregnancy

On 21 weeks of pregnancy the woman already adapted to the new situation, and fully feels as mother. She feels the active movements of the kid about 15 - 20 times a day. There are various ways of calculation of stirs, the most widespread – calculation in 12 hours of wakefulness, normal future baby makes not less than 10 stirs.

Through a stomach on 21 weeks of pregnancy it is possible to listen clearly to heartbeat of the baby, but the woman does not feel it. Sometimes it mistakenly takes for heartbeat of a fruit own pulse on a ventral aorta. It is easy to distinguish it from infantile – pulse of the woman approximately twice more rare than fruit heart rate.Через живот на 21 неделе беременности отчетливо прослушивается сердцебиение малыша

Future mother can feel an asthma because of a pushing off a uterus of lungs. On 21 weeks of pregnancy the uterus is higher than a navel on 1 cm, and over bosom level it is defined 21 cm above.

Because of the intensive growth of a uterus and its pressure upon pelvic area, pains on 21 weeks of pregnancy can not constitute any danger, but if they skhvatkoobrazny or pulling in the bottom of a stomach, they cannot be disregarded.

Vulval allocations on 21 weeks of pregnancy normal transparent, inodorous, blood impurity from a vagina – a symptom of threat of an abortion, in this case it is necessary to see a doctor urgently.

Inspection on 21 weeks of pregnancy

Regular visit of the gynecologist of times in 2 weeks – guarantee of normal course of pregnancy. The doctor observes growth of a fruit and a condition of the woman in dynamics that at the first suspicious signs to appoint necessary inspection. Performing ultrasonography on 21 weeks of pregnancy by that who did not make it earlier is recommended. Many parents after carrying out the second ultrasonic screening know a sex of their future kid.

Whether you know that:

At regular visit of a sunbed the chance to develop a carcinoma cutaneum increases by 60%.