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About harm of smoking of electronic cigarettes

О вреде курения электронных сигарет Electronic cigarettes were invented in 2004, and apprehended with suspicion in the beginning, then with the increasing enthusiasm which is warmed up by universal fight against smoking. "It is absolutely harmless", "it is approved by WHO", "there is no harm from smoking of electronic cigarettes" - these and similar to them statements sound from pages of newspapers and magazines, them the Internet is full.

The means allowing to make of an addiction if not useful then neutral is really really found? Let's try to understand.

To understand whether there is a harm of smoking of electronic cigarettes, it is necessary to define those substances which get to an organism at this occupation. So, of what liquid for electronic cigarettes consists "absolutely harmless"? It consists of water, propylene glycol, glycerin, nicotine and complex fragrance which composition usually for some reason is not specified. Any of the medical organizations which were carrying out expertize of liquid for electronic cigarettes including WHO, did not take the responsibility to declare that this structure, being heated to a condition of steam, at direct inhalation in lungs and hit in blood, is harmless.

After examination of electronic cigarettes of WHO made the statement which demanded from all sellers of similar products to remove from the description a line that permission of this organization is got. At most, about what experts say that similar substances in that concentration which is offered for use as a single dose are less harmful, than usual smoke from usual cigarettes. Isn't that so, a big difference between this statement and the fact that harm from smoking of electronic cigarettes is absent?

Supporters of electronic cigarettes in the majority do not insist on their advantage too, resting on the fact that the electronic cigarette is a transition from usual tobacco smoking to refusal of it and that it supposedly just allows to make it without serious consequences. Whether so it? Nicotine which is poison for an organism irrespective of whether it gets from a usual, or electronic cigarette there is a part of an electronic cigarette, and nicotine addiction in this case does not become less. The psychological aspect of dependence in general remains in the untouched look. Therefore smokers should not deceive themselves the fact that from smoking of electronic cigarettes there is no harm. Harm from smoking of electronic cigarettes just is not obvious and insufficiently studied yet, and you should not become a laboratory mouse for its studying.

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