
Анализ основных теорий альтруизмаAltruism – from the Latin word "alter" that in transfer means "another" or "others". It is the principle of moral behavior of the person meaning disinterestedness in the actions directed to satisfaction of needs of surrounding people with infringement of own interests and benefits. Sometimes in psychology altruism is regarded either as an analog, or as a component of a pro-social behavior.

The concept of altruism, as opposed to egoism, by the French philosopher, the founder of sociology Francois Xavier Comte in the first half of the 18th century is for the first time formulated. Its initial definition sounded so: "Live for the sake of others".

Theories of altruism

Three main complementary each other of the theory of altruism allocate:

  • Evolutionary. Is based on the concept "preservation of a sort-motive power of evolution". Supporters of this theory consider altruism biologically programmed quality of living beings which is most promoting preservation of a genotype;
  • Social exchange. The subconscious account in any situations of basic values of social economy – feelings, emotions, information, the status, mutual services. Having begun – to give help before the choice or to pass by, the person always instinctively counts decision effects, mentally commensurating the spent efforts and the received bonuses. This theory treats providing disinterested aid as deep manifestation of egoism;
  • Social norms. By the rules of society defining behavioural duties of the individual in the borders called by norms, rendering disinterested aid – natural need of the person. Modern sociologists put forward this theory of altruism as based on the principles of reciprocity – mutual support equal, and social responsibility – assistance to the people who obviously do not have opportunities to reciprocate (the children, sick, elderly, needy). Motivation of altruism in both cases are social norms of behavior.

But any of these theories does not offer a full, convincing and unambiguous explanation of the nature of altruism. Possibly because this quality of the person also should be considered in the spiritual plane. The sociology – science more pragmatic that significantly limits it in altruism studying as properties of human character, and also in identification of the motives inducing people to arrive disinterestedly.

One of paradoxes of the modern world consists that society, long ago and strongly hanged out price labels on everything – from material benefits before scientific achievements and human feelings – continues to generate unrecoverable altruists.

Types of altruism

Let's consider main types of altruism, from the point of view of the above theories in use to certain situations:

  • Parent. The irrational disinterested and sacrificial attitude towards children when parents are ready to give not only material benefits, but also own life for the sake of rescue of the child;
  • Moral. Implementation of the spiritual needs for achievement of a condition of internal comfort. For example, the volunteers who are disinterestedly looking after incurably sick show compassion, being content with moral satisfaction;
  • Sotsiumny. The type of altruism extending to a near environment – acquaintances, colleagues, friends, neighbors. Gratuitous services do to these people existence in certain groups more comfortable that allows to some extent even to manipulate them;
  • Sympathetic. People can feel empathy, to represent themselves on site other person, empathizing him. In such situation rendering support to any of altruism is potentially projected on itself. Distinctive feature of this type of the help – it is always specific and aimed at a real net result;
  • Demonstrative. It is expressed in automatic, at the level of subconsciousness, performance of the standard standards of behavior. Assistance rendered from such motives can be characterized expression "it is so necessary".

Often manifestation of mercy, philanthropy, unselfishness, sacrifice is treated as altruism. But there are main distinctive features which only in a complex are inherent in altruistic behavior:

  • Альтруизм - бескорыстная забота об окружающихGratuitousness. Any personal benefit from the made action;
  • Sacrifice. Expenses of personal time and own means (material, spiritual, intellectual);
  • Responsibility. Readiness to be responsible personally for effects of such acts;
  • Priority. Interests of others always above own;
  • Freedom of choice. Altruistic actions are made exclusively voluntarily;
  • Satisfaction. Renouncing personal interests, the altruist does not feel in something restrained.

Altruism helps to open potentialitys of the personality as for the sake of other people it is often capable to make much more than the fact that it does for itself. At the same time such acts give it confidence in own forces.

Many psychologists are sure that tendency to altruism at people is directly connected with feeling of happiness.

It is remarkable that scientists-zoologists note manifestations of altruistic behavior in the native habitat at dolphins, monkeys and ravens.

Whether you know that:

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