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Alphabet Kindergarten

The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 271 rub.

Витаминно-минеральный комплекс Алфавит Детский садThe alphabet Kindergarten – the vitamin and mineral complex intended for children at the age of 3-7 years.

Form of release and structure

Vitamins produce in the form of chewable tablets 36 or 60 pieces in packaging.

9 minerals and 13 vitamins divided into 3 tablets of various color and taste are a part of a complex:

  • "Iron +" with cherry taste contains vitamins C, B1, beta carotene and folic acid, and also copper and iron;
  • "Antioxidants +" with pear taste includes vitamins C, B2 and B6, RR, E and beta carotene, and also selenium, zinc, manganese, iodine and magnesium;
  • "Kaltsy-D3+" with banana taste contains D3, K1, V12 vitamins, folic and panteonovy acids, and also calcium and chrome that promotes strengthening and growth of bones and teeth, reducing risk of development of rickets.

Indications to use

The vitamin complex is recommended to children of 3-7 years as an additional source of minerals and vitamins.

Drug is developed taking into account climatic and social conditions of Russia and includes iodine, iron and selenium.


Use of the Alphabet Kindergarten contraindicated:

  • Aged up to 3 years;
  • At hyperfunction of a thyroid gland;
  • At individual intolerance of the separate components which are a part of a complex.

Route of administration and dosage

The necessary day dose of minerals and vitamins is divided into three tablets, each of which represents the balanced drug containing compatible, not defiant allergies elements. Separate reception of tablets increases efficiency of action of a complex and promotes the maximum assimilation of the components entering it.

According to the instruction the Alphabet Kindergarten is accepted on one tablet of each taste and colors daily for a month then it is recommended to take a break of 10-15 days.

The day norm from three tablets can be accepted in any sequence, at the same time the complex is most effective at observance of an interval at 4-6 o'clock between receptions – at breakfast, a lunch and a dinner. If the similar mode is impossible because of visit of kindergarten, then it is possible to take the first pill at breakfast, and two others – at supper and before going to bed. In case of the happened admission, all day dose can be accepted at the same time.

Side effects

In certain cases drug can cause by-effects in the form of skin allergic reactions.


Structural analogs of drug at the moment do not exist, other vitamin and mineral complexes expected children's age possess similar action.

Conditions and periods of storage

The vitamin complex should be stored in the place protected from influence of sunshine at a temperature of 4-25 °C.

The period of validity of drug makes 2 years of date of production.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Alphabet Kindergarten of a tablet of 60 pieces

271 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Alphabet Kindergarten тбл жев. No. 60, Akvion of closed joint stock company

342 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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