Characteristic of a diet | Final assessment |
Prodolzhitelnost:21 day |
3,5 of 5 One of successful rigid diets which is based on the principle of proteinaceous and carbohydrate alternation. The diet demands a gradual exit, otherwise the lost weight will quickly return. |
Recommended chastota:1 once a year | |
Speed of loss of weight:![]() |
Safety:![]() |
Variety of products:![]() |
"a breakfast eat the well-known expression itself, the lunch is divided with the friend, give a dinner to the enemy" is the gold standard of the majority of diets. On this background the English diet, as well as its efficiency, seem doubtful. The matter is that the main idea of a diet consists in the use of the most part of calories in the evening. It is supposed that during the day, till 19 o'clock (till this time, according to a diet, it is necessary to carry out the last meal), the quantity of eaten increases. So, behind not in English modest breakfast the leaky lunch, later, in vegetable days, an afternoon snack, and follows it a dinner. Only three or four meals which it is forbidden to exceed quantity. In general, nutrition value of the daily menu will make no more than 800-1000 kcal.
The diet will be to the taste to those who so are afraid of night invasions on the refrigerator, does not love or did not get used to have breakfast, spends the whole day at work.
The English diet lasts 21 days. The first two days are days of very limited diet, some kind of "hungry days". After them alternation of two vegetable and two proteinaceous days follows. Loss of kilograms on the termination of the English diet will make as promise, 10-12 kilograms.
Exit is recommended to be made of a diet smooth, for this purpose after a 21-day course it is necessary to add one milk day then gradually to enter usual products into a daily diet.
One of strengths of the English diet is an opportunity to alternate proteinaceous and vegetable days. Thanks to such way necessary vitamins, microelements and fibers from vegetables come to an organism, supporting work of intestines. On the other hand, the animal protein does not allow to collapse to muscles during a diet.
A variety of the menu – also plus diets. Vegetables, meat, dairy products, even bread in a small amount is that basis which a nebkhodima for the correct functioning of an organism. Besides, in spite of the fact that sweets are prohibited, growing thin it is allowed to regale on a honey spoon.
Diet duration – – is 21 days optimum to manage to get used to a new diet, and, as a result, reduces probability of disturbances or failures in time and after a diet.
Structuredness of a diet, existence of a clear boundary and recommendations facilitate life growing thin which should not think of the menu, and it is necessary to follow the strict rules only.
The diet will be to the taste to those who so are afraid of night invasions on the refrigerator, does not love or did not get used to have breakfast, spends the whole day at work. In a word, so unusual diet actually is very convenient for most of residents of our country.
The main minus of a diet which literally is evident – extremely low caloric content of the menu. While nutritionists recommend to use not less than 1500 kcal a day, a set of products for every day of the English diet contains no more than 800-1000 kcal. Such explicit shortage of a kallorazh is fraught with decrease in metabolism. And if during a diet weight loss after all is possible, then it is worth returning to more usual diet as the lost kilograms with a high share of probability will appear again.
The English diet is not recommended to persons with disturbance of work of kidneys. Consultation of the nutritionist before a diet is obligatory.
Depending on day – proteinaceous or vegetable – the list of the resolved products varies.
So, for vegetable day it: apples, oranges, vegetables (except potatoes), black bread, honey, tea.
In proteinaceous day are resolved: coffee, milk, black bread, butter, honey, beef-infusion or fish broth, boiled meat, fish, peas, low-fat ham, eggs, kefir.
In the first two hungry days milk, tomato juice, black bread is authorized.
From drinks it is better to give preference to not carbonated mineral water, green tea, black coffee (when it is resolved), curative herbs decoctions.
All products, except for resolved, are prohibited. Especially it concerns some alcoholic and carbonated drinks, sugar, sweets, pastries, dishes on the basis of flour, potatoes.
Below the menu for each block of a diet will be submitted: starvations, vegetable and proteinaceous days.
First and second day |
Milk liter, glass of unsalted juice from tomatoes, 2 pieces of black bread. |
Proteinaceous days |
Breakfast: a cup of coffee with milk addition, one piece of black bread with an oil teaspoon (at will) and a honey teaspoon. Lunch: plate of a fish or beef-infusion broth, second course: the fish or meat steamed or boiled, two spoons of peas (at will), a piece of black bread. Afternoon snack: a cup of tea with addition of a spoon of honey. Dinner: a piece of meat or fish in a boiled look, or ham without fat, or two boiled eggs, 50 grams of cheese, black bread (one piece), a glass of kefir. |
Vegetable days |
Breakfast: 2 apples or 2 oranges. Lunch: Vegetable soup with a piece of black bread, salad or vinaigrette without potatoes. Afternoon snack: 2 apples or 2 oranges. Dinner: vegetable salad with a piece of black bread, a glass of tea with honey addition (at will). |
Council 1: Than more precisely to stick to the recommendations made in article, loss of kilograms as a result is higher than subject. Therefore it is important not to invent new dishes, not to replace the offered products with possible analogs, and to keep to a diet in the form in which it is given.
Council 2: You should not underestimate need of observance of a water relationships, especially it concerns proteinaceous days. In proteinaceous days the organism spends more water therefore that there was no dehydration, it is important in time and in due quantity to fill its stocks.
The liver is the heaviest body in our body. Its average weight makes 1,5 kg.
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