Main > Drugs> Angélique


The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 1205 rub.

Таблетки АнжеликAngélique – the combined anticlimacteric means.

Form of release and structure

Release Angélique in the form of round biconvex tablets, film coated gray-pink color (on 28 pieces in blisters, in a cardboard pack 1 or 3 blisters).

Active ingredients – oestradiol and дроспиренон.

Auxiliary components: lactoses monohydrate, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, starch corn, starch corn prezhelatinizirovanny, gipromelloza, K25 povidone, macrogoal 6000, dye ferrous oxide red, talc.

Indications to use

Angélique is accepted as replacement hormonal therapy at climacteric frustration and for prevention of osteoporosis which arises in the period of a postmenopause.


  • Bleedings from a vagina of not clear origin;
  • The diagnosed, assumed or cured breast cancer;
  • Malignant and benign tumors of a liver;
  • Serious pathologies of a liver and kidneys;
  • Thromboembolism;
  • Acute thrombosis;
  • Hypersensitivity to drug components;
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

Route of administration and dosage

When the woman to reception Anjelica did not accept estrogen, or passes to it from other complex drug (which is also intended for continuous therapy), it can begin to accept drug at any time.

Those patients who before use Anjelica accepted complex cyclic drug need to begin reception only after cancellation bleeding ends.

One packaging of tablets is expected 28 days. Accept drug on 1 tablet daily. After the end of one packaging following is begun without interruption, next day.

Pill should be taken entirely, without chewing, it is desirable at the same time days. It is not recommended to miss reception, but if it occurs, the passed pill should be taken as soon as possible. If between receptions of tablets passed more than a day, the additional pill cannot be taken.

Side effects

Use Anjelica can cause the following side effects:

  • Increase in a breast, uterus fibromyoma, emergence of benign tumors of a breast and uterus;
  • Allocations from a vagina, diseases of ovaries and a uterus, pain in a basin, candidiasis, a vaginitis, a salpingitis, dryness mucous vaginas, a fibrous and cystous mastopathy, decrease in a libido;
  • Disturbances of work of a GIT, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, abdominal distention;
  • Anemia;
  • Paresthesia;
  • Migraine;
  • Depression, irritability, uneasiness;
  • Vision disorder, ring in ears;
  • Embolism;
  • Hypertensia, heartbeat;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Varicosity.

Use Anjelica in certain cases causes short wind, an acne, an itch, a hirsutism, rash, an alopecia, diseases of hair and skin, change of weight, anorexia, dorsodynias, a mialgiya, muscular spasms, infections of urinary channels, stethalgias, a fever, the increased sweating and an indisposition.

At the admission of several tablets of drug uterine bleeding can begin.

Special instructions

It is impossible to apply Angélique to protection against undesirable pregnancy.

In cases of need of contraception it is necessary to choose non-hormonal methods.

If there is a suspicion on pregnancy, administration of drug should be stopped and resumed only after pregnancy is excluded.


Analogs Anjelica are the drugs Diane-35, Klimonorm, Proginova and the NuvaRing.

Terms and storage conditions

To store in the place unavailable to children, at a temperature not above 25 °C.

Period of validity – 5 years.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Angélique of a tablet 2 of mg of 28 pieces

1205 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Angélique Micro таб 0,25+0,50mg No. 28

1205 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Angélique Micro тбл п/пл/о No. 28, Bayer of Sheringfarm of AG/Shvartsfarm Produkts

1437 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Angélique Tbl п / about No. 28, Schering AG

1467 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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