Application instruction:
Arifon – the medicine rendering diuretic, vasodilating and hypotensive (the reducing pressure) action.
Produce Arifon in tablets, film coated (30 pieces in the blister, in a pack cardboard on 1 blister).
1 tablet contains 2,5 mg of active active ingredient – an indapamid.
Act as auxiliary components: povidone, magnesium stearate, lactoses monohydrate, corn starch, talc.
Structure of a film cover: глицерол, macrogoal 6000, magnesium stearate, gipromelloz, sodium lauryl sulfate, titanium dioxide, white beeswax.
Arifon's use is shown at arterial hypertension.
Arifon it is necessary to take with caution at a renal and/or liver failure, disturbance of water and electrolytic exchange, a hyperparathyreosis, a hyperuricemia (especially at an uratny nephrolithiasis or gout), pregnancies.
It is necessary to take a pill orally, it is desirable in the mornings, at the same time, an initial dose – 1,25-2,5 mg.
If therapy for 4-8 weeks has no desirable effect, it is not necessary to increase a dose (noticeable strengthening it will not yield result, but can lead to growth of the negative accompanying manifestations).
Arifon's use can provoke the following negative side effects:
Arifon's reception can become the reason of such laboratory indicators as a hypochloraemia, a hyperuricemia, a hypercalcemia, a hyponatremia, a hypopotassemia, a hyperglycemia, a giperkreatininemiya, increase in an urea nitrogen of blood.
Careful control of content of potassium and creatinine at patients of advanced age, and patients accepting purgatives and/or cardiac glycosides against the background of a hyper aldosteronism is recommended.
Systematic check of concentration of sodium, potassium, magnesium in a blood plasma in order to avoid development of electrolytic disturbances as a result of Arifon's reception is necessary. It is regularly necessary to make tests on pH, concentration of uric acid, residual nitrogen and glucose. Especially carefully it is necessary to control these indicators at cirrhosis, coronary heart disease, to chronic heart failure and patients of advanced age.
At the beginning of therapy by Arifon (on the first week) it is necessary to take surely the first measurement of potassium concentration in blood.
Sick diabetes mellitus, especially in a complex with a hypopotassemia, regular control of concentration of glucose in blood is very important.
The hyperparathyreosis which is not diagnosed earlier can be the cause of the hypercalcemia shown against the background of drug intake.
At first at Arifon's reception careful control of function of kidneys is necessary for timely compensation of loss of water as considerable dehydration can become the reason of development of an acute renal failure (decrease in glomerular filtering).
Arifon's use for athletes can give positive reaction at doping control.
Do not appoint drug to children and teenagers because of unproven safety of use.
Arifon's synonyms – drugs in which the main active ingredient is индапамид: Akripamid, Arindap, Indap, Indapamid, Indiur, Lorvas, Retapres, Tenzar, etc.
Analog close to medicine on the influence mechanism: Oxodolinum.
To store in the place unavailable to children.
Period of validity – 5 years.
Name of drug
Arifon ретард тбл п/пл/о 1.5mg No. 30, Serdiks/Servye of Ltd company
360 rub.
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