Main > Drugs> Betamethasone


Бетаметазон мазь

Betamethasone is a medicine, an adrenal hormone. Has strong antiinflammatory effect.

Pharmacological action

Treats group of synthetic corticosteroids (adrenal hormones). Drug has antiinflammatory effect. In the soluble Betamethasone form promotes bystry absorption of active agent of drug. Thereof almost instant intensive operation, though quite short-term is observed.

Release form

Betamethasone is produced in the form of tablets which contain 0,0005 g of betamethasone.

Solution for injections produce in ampoules 1 ml (0,0053 g a phosphate betametazonadinatriya).

Ointment Betamethasone contains 0,64 mg of betamethasone of Dipropionas.

Indications to use

According to the instruction, Betamethasone is applied in such cases:

- diseases which are characterized by defeat of vessels and connecting fabric (collagenose): pseudorheumatism, system lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, dermatomyositis;

- allergic diseases: bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, a Quincke's edema, an allergy to medicines, complications at hemotransfusion;

- skin diseases with presence of an allergy: atonic and contact dermatitis, neurodermatitis, allergic eczema, exfoliative dermatitis, herpetiform dermatitis, small tortoiseshell;

- diseases of eyes of inflammatory character: a uveitis, a chorioretinitis, a sympathetic iridocyclitis, the central retinitis surrounding eye herpes, an optic neuritis, retrobulbar neuritis;

- tumoral diseases of lymph nodes;

- diseases of soft tissues: the bursitis, a synovitis, tendosinovit;

- diseases of the hemopoietic system: idiopathic, Werlhof's and allergic disease;

- adrenogenital syndrome;

- acute gouty arthritis;

- pemphigus;

- ulcer colitis;

- nephrotic syndrome;

- emphysema of lungs;

- pneumosclerosis;

- nose polyps;

- paralysis Bella.

Application instruction of Betamethasone and dose

Бетаметазон раствор для инъекций

Betamethasone is appointed depending on disease severity and individual needs of the patient. The dose of drug depends on a type of a disease and shares on initial and supporting. The initial dose is applied at once, and after improvement of a state appoint Betamethasone in a maintenance dose.

Rheumatic arthritis and rheumatic diseases: the initial dose makes 1-2,5 mg, supporting - 0,5-1,5 mg;

Acute rheumatic fever: the initial dose makes 6-8 mg, supporting to destination;

System lupus erythematosus: the initial dose makes 4,0-5,0 mg, supporting to destination;

Asthma: the initial dose makes 3,5-4,5 mg, supporting to destination;

Chronic bronchial asthma: the initial dose makes 3,5 mg, supporting 0,5-2,5 mg;

Allergy to pollen: the initial dose makes 1,5-2,5 mg, supporting to destination;

Inflammatory diseases of eyes: the initial dose makes 2,5-4,5 mg, supporting to destination;

Emphysema of lungs and fibrosis: the initial dose makes 2,0-3,5 mg, supporting 1,0-2,5 mg;

Adrenogenital syndrome: the initial dose makes 1,0-1,5 mg, supporting to destination;

Бурейт: the initial dose makes 1,0-2,5 mg, supporting to destination.

It is the best of all to accept a daily dose of drug in the morning (coincidence to a biological rhythm of release of hormone).

Betamethasone ointment (betamethasone Dipropionas) is used for local to use.

Apply on skin with a thin layer 2 times a day, for achievement of the best clinical effect imposing of an occlusive bandage is possible.

Treat with Betamethasone ointment (Dipropionas betamethasone) within 1-2 weeks, 3 and more weeks are more rare.

Side effects

According to the instruction, Betamethasone has such side effects:

  • increase in the ABP;
  • osteoporosis;
  • increase in weight;
  • GIT ulcers;
  • hypostases;
  • sharpening of persistent infections;
  • increase in level of sugar in blood;
  • disturbance of a menstrual cycle;
  • oppression of function of bark of adrenal glands;
  • excitement;
  • sleeplessness.


In the instruction to Betamethasone such contraindications are specified:

- heavy hypertension;

- tuberculosis in an active form;

- circulatory unefficiency (3rd degree);

- stomach ulcer and duodenum;

- diabetes mellitus;

- syphilis;

- mental diseases;

- osteoporosis;

- glaucoma;

- pregnancy;

- system mycoses.

Whether you know that:

According to WHO researches the daily half-hour conversation by the mobile phone increases probability of development of a tumor of a brain by 40%.