Main > Diseases> Osgood Shlatter's disease

Osgood Shlatter's disease

Osgood Shlatter's disease is the pathological change of a tibial bone with the advent of tuberosity caused by inflammatory process of a bone and cartilaginous structure.Бугорок на кости - симптом болезни Осгуда Шлаттера

Reasons and symptoms of a disease

Generally Osgood Shlatter's disease develops at boys at teenage age. Injury of knee sinews, and also intensive loads of an upper part of a tibial bone is considered the main etiology of Osgood Shlatter.

The disease begins with a pain syndrome and hypostasis, and then other symptoms of a disease of Osgood Shlatter, such as pain develop when walking, hillocks and destruction of a tibial bone.

Prevention of a disease is restriction of exercise stresses in a growth period and development of bone structure, especially at boys of teenage age (10-16 years).

Occupations etc. are such sports as volleyball, soccer, basketball, oriental martial arts, boxing, acrobatics, tennis, figure skating, skis the most frequent etiologies of Osgood Shlatter.

In bone tissues as a result of high exercise stresses pathological processes which can provoke injuries, fractures, bruises and a tendinitis begin. In the course of inflammatory changes the wrong bone accretions, lacks of coordination, and also increase on a tibial bone form.

If the disease is at the initial stage of development, then it is enough to stop exercise stresses to begin process of recovery of a bone.

At a serious course of a disease of Osgood Shlatter special medical and recovery therapy is required.

Diagnosis of a disease of Osgood Shlatter

Diagnosing of a disease of Osgood Shlatter is carried out by means of a X-ray analysis of joints and bones of a skeleton, ultrasonic examination of a knee joint and radio isotope scanning.

On a x-ray film pathological hillocks and proboscises on a bone are shown, and also on it it is possible to establish extent of destruction of a tibial bone and a stage of inflammatory process.Диагностика болезни Осгуда Шлаттера

Treatment of a disease of Osgood Shlatter

Treatment of a disease of Osgood Shlatter is carried out by means of the antiinflammatory, antiedematous and anesthetizing medicines. The extremity has to be a long time at rest, on it it is possible to impose compresses with ice.

The swelling and pain syndrome pass eventually, and for the correct accretion of a bone it is necessary to impose the plaster tire on a leg, and later to complete a course of medical bathtubs and quartz procedures.

In some cases after Osgood Shlatter's disease there are hilly outgrowths on bones and pathological changes of a knee joint, then carrying out a course of physiotherapeutic procedures is necessary. If necessary the surgeon appoints carrying out operation on removal of pathological educations and a part of a bone with the subsequent implementation of a bone transplant.

During treatment and recovery absolute rest and introduction of a hydrocortisone are necessary for the patient, and in the presence of complications of a disease change of a bone or making in it a special opening for acceleration of regeneration processes can be carried out.

After an absolute recovery to the patient order to limit or cancel classes physical culture for several years.

It is possible to distinguish from the main methods of treatment of a disease of Osgood Shlatter:

  • physiotherapeutic procedures, including electrophoresis with calcium, lidocaine and Procainum, a paraffinotherapy, mud cure;
  • intensive shock and wave care;
  • operative measure at heavy stages (fragmentation, fixing, transplantation).

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