Application instruction:
Ceftazidime – a tsefalosporinovy antibiotic of the 3rd generation.
Drug is produced in the form of powder for solution preparation. In bottles on 1 or 2 g containing active agent – a ceftazidime of 1 or 2 g according to.
Additional component – sodium carbonate.
Analogs of the Ceftazidime are the following medicines: Aurotsef, Zatsef, Tazid, Tseftadim.
According to the instruction the Ceftazidime is the antibacterial medicine belonging to group of cephalosporins of the 3rd generation.
Drug possesses a broad spectrum of activity, breaks synthesis of a cell wall of microorganisms, makes bactericidal impact on an organism. It is steady concerning the majority beta лактамаз.
According to the instruction the Ceftazidime is shown at the diseases of infectious and inflammatory character caused by the microorganisms sensitive to this drug:
• peritonitis;
• it is purulent - septic serious conditions;
• meningitis;
• infectious diseases of urinary tract (pyelitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis, kidney abscess, prostatitis);
• infectious diseases of joints and bones (osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, bacterial bursitis);
• infectious diseases of soft tissues and skin (the wound fevers, mastitis, an ugly face, phlegmon infected burns);
• infectious LOR-diseases (mastodinit, average otitis, sinusitis);
• infectious diseases of a GIT, bilious ways of an abdominal cavity (diverticulitis, empyema of a gall bladder, cholecystitis, coloenteritis, cholangitis);
• gonorrhea;
• sepsis;
• infectious diseases of lower parts of respiratory tracts (abscess of lungs, pneumonia, bronchitis, the pleura empyema infected a bronchietasia);
• infectious diseases of female generative organs (endometritis).
According to the instruction the Ceftazidime is intended for intramuscular or intravenous administration. The dosage of drug is established individually, depending on a type of an infection, body weight of the patient, function of kidneys, etc.
To children 12 years and the adult are more senior at acute infections of urinary tract, infections of skin and uncomplicated pneumonia appoint 0,5-1 g of drug each 8-12 hours.
At infections of lungs and a mucoviscidosis the dosage makes 100-150 mg on weight kg three times a day.
At infectious diseases of joints and bones, and also each 12 hours enter neutropenias intravenously on 2 g of the Ceftazidime.
At extremely heavy infections with threat of life to the patient enter 2 g intravenously each 8 hours.
The dosage for children makes:
• up to two months – 30 mg on the weight kg intravenously divided into two times;
• from two months to 12 years – 30-50 mg on the weight kg intravenously divided into three times.
To children at a mucoviscidosis, with the weakened immunity and meningitis appoint the Ceftazidime each 12 hours in a dosage to 150 mg to weight kg.
The maximum daily dosage for children makes 6 g.
Drug and analogs of the Ceftazidime are contraindicated at hypersensitivity to penicillin and cephalosporins.
According to reviews it is necessary to appoint the Ceftazidime with care at a renal failure, to newborn children, at tendency to bleedings and a sprue.
According to reviews the Ceftazidime can cause the following side reactions:
• System of digestion: diarrhea or lock, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, meteorism, abnormal liver function, dysbacteriosis, stomatitis, cholestasia, pseudomembranous coloenteritis, glossitis.
• Urinary system: toxic nephropathy, renal failure, anury, oliguria.
• System of a hemopoiesis: neutropenia, leukopenia, granulocytopenia, increase in a prothrombin time, hemolitic anemia, thrombocytopenia, hypocoagulation.
• Allergies: fever or fever, urticaria, eosinophilia, Quincke's disease, Lyell's disease, Stephen-Johnson's syndrome, skin itch, rash, bronchospasm, acute anaphylaxis.
• TsNS: dizziness, headache, encephalopathy, convulsive attacks, paresthesias, tremor.
• Local reactions: at intramuscular introduction – pain in the place of a prick, at intravenous – phlebitis, morbidity on the vein course.
Also the Ceftazidime according to reviews can cause superinfection, candidiasis, nasal bleedings.
As drug, as well as Ceftazidime analogs, gets through a placenta, it is worth appointing it according to strict indications. In case of purpose of the Ceftazidime in the period of a lactation it is necessary to stop breastfeeding.
The overdose by the Ceftazidime according to reviews causes the following symptoms: convulsive attacks, a headache, paresthesias, deviations in results of laboratory analyses, dizziness.
In case of overdose it is necessary to carry out the supporting and symptomatic treatment. In especially hard cases of overdose it is necessary to reduce concentration of drug in blood by means of a hemodialysis.
Action of the Ceftazidime is reduced by bacteriostatic antibiotics. Nephrotoxic effect of drug at a concomitant use with aminoglycosides increases, "loopback" diuretics, clindamycin, Vancomycinum.
The ceftazidime belongs to list B drugs. Store it in the dry, dark place at the room temperature not longer than 24 months.
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