Main > Drugs> Tsentrum


The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 392 rub.

Витаминный комплекс ЦентрумTsentrum is the medicine intended for treatment of hypovitaminoses and prevention of development of a seasonal vitamin mineral deficiency. According to reviews Tsentrum is well had and almost completely fills daily need of the adult for vitamins, macro - and microelements.

Pharmacological action of Tsentrum

Medical and preventive effect of drug is defined by the complex list of Tsentrum including various vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin A – is necessary for growth and normal functioning of bones, synthesis of a rhodopsin;
  • Vitamin C – strengthens walls of capillaries, increases immunity, is necessary for the correct formation of tissues of gums, teeth and bones;
  • Vitamin E – possesses powerful antioxidant action thanks to which protects membranes of cells from damages by free radicals. In addition this vitamin is important for maintenance of reproductive health of the person;
  • B1 vitamin - promotes normal functioning of nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • B3 vitamin – regulates processes of an angenesis;
  • Pantothenic acid – takes part in processes of metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats;
  • B6 vitamin – influences process of formation of erythrocytes, is necessary for normal functioning of a nervous system, supports the correct structure of gums, teeth and bones;
  • B12 vitamin – is necessary for formation of erythrocytes in marrow and normal carrying out nervous impulse;
  • Vitamin K – is necessary for synthesis in a prothrombin liver thanks to what it promotes increase in coagulant ability of blood;
  • Biotin – is necessary for digestion of protein and normal course of many exchange processes;
  • Folic acid – is necessary for an erythrogenesis;
  • Iron – one of the main components of the hemoglobin providing oxygen transport in bodies and fabrics;
  • Calcium – provides durability of a bone tissue and teeth, regulates coagulability of blood;
  • Phosphorus – participates in the power processes proceeding in cells and also is necessary for a normal odontosis and a bone tissue;
  • Magnesium – is necessary for synthesis of protein, formation of bone and muscular tissue;
  • Iodine – is necessary for synthesis of hormones of a thyroid gland and regulation of exchange processes;
  • Copper – regulates exchange of iron and provides normal function of erythrocytes;
  • Manganese – takes part in process of a mineralization of a bone tissue;
  • Chrome – promotes utilization of carbohydrates;
  • Potassium – takes part in the carrying out a neuromuscular impulse and metabolic processes proceeding in myocardium cells;
  • Selenium – regulates functions of some enzymes;
  • Zinc – is a part of many enzymes regulating synthesis and metabolism of hormones and immunocompetent cells;
  • Boron – is necessary for exchange of magnesium and calcium. Its shortcoming can become the reason of development of physical weakness.

Indications to use

According to the instruction Tsentrum can be used both for treatment, and for prevention of development of hypovitaminic states. According to reviews Tsentrum well fills shortage macro - and microelements and therefore it can be used for prevention of development of deficit of mineral substances.

Application instruction

Vitamins Tsentrum can be accepted during the whole year on one tablet a day.Витамины Центрум для детей

Side effects

According to reviews Tsentrum can lead to development of allergic reactions (skin rash, an itch, a small tortoiseshell) that demands drug withdrawal.

Contraindications to Tsentrum's use

According to the instruction Tsentrum is contraindicated with the increased individual sensitivity to this drug. If there is an intolerance of any component from being Tsentrum's part, then reception of medicine is also contraindicated.

Release form

Vitamins Tsentrum are produced in the form of tablets. They are packed into plastic jars on 60 pieces.

Storage conditions Tsentrum

Tsentrum it is necessary to store in the dark and dry place unavailable to children.

Vitamins and minerals are Tsentrum's part. A vitamin part of drug includes: Niacin, Vitamin E, Biotin, Folic acid, group B Vitamins, Pantothenic acid, Vitamin D, Vitamin C and Vitamin A.

Vitamins Tsentrum are rich also with the content of minerals: Boron, Tin, Silicon, Potassium, Magnesium, Vanadium, Nickel, Selenium, Iron, Chrome, Zinc, Molybdenum, Manganese, Copper, Iodine, Phosphorus and Calcium.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Tsentrum Silver from And to Z тбл п / about No. 30, Wyeth Lederle S.p.A.

392 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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If your liver ceased to work, death would come within a day.