The tea-plant which of leaves cook black and green tea belongs to family tea, to a sort a camellia. Green and black tea is received in the course of multi-stage processing of leaves of a tea-plant. For receiving leaves from which cook green tea they are steamed, twisted, dried. For receiving black tea leaves of a tea-plant dry, twist, subject fermentations, dry. Under the influence of fermentation in leaves the polyphenols giving to leaves black or henna-red color are formed.
Thanks to the fact that leaves of a tea-plant are not exposed to fermentation useful microelements in green tea remain. It is established that after processing the amount of vitamins C, P and antioxidants of catechins remains practically at the initial level. Except these microelements leaves of tea contain phytalbumins that does drink very nutritious, and also zinc, copper, tannin, theine, glyutaminovy acid.
Such structure also caused advantage of tea: it has antimicrobic effect, strengthens walls of vessels, removes radionuclides, stimulates intellectual and physical activity, recovers a metabolism, lowers the level of sugar and intracranial pressure, stops an inflammation, improves blood circulation, work of a nervous system.
Speaking about advantage of tea, made from green leaves it is necessary to notice what at the correct zavarivaniye of useful substances in drink remains much more, than in black tea.
Correctly made green tea is such that is maintained by no more than 5 minutes. On the expiration of this time it turns into drink of greenish-yellow color with specific taste which does not do harm, but also does not bear advantage. If to sustain tea only 2 minutes, it will have tonic effect if 5 minutes, on the contrary, calming. Make tea the water which is warmed up to 80 °C, warm up a teapot to 70-75 °C. Norma who is desirable for observing at a zavarivaniye: 3 grams of leaves on 200 ml of water.
At the regular use correctly made green tea recovers a nervous system, improves concentration of attention, brain activity, sight.
People for whom the peptic ulcer of a GIT with low acidity is diagnosed are recommended to have regularly green tea as it, thanks to the antibacterial action and the contained tannins promotes disinfecting and healing of cankers. As tea stimulates secretion of a gastric juice, those who has stomach ulcer are recommended to make rather weak green tea. Three times a day are recommended to have tea, during food.
Green tea at various poisonings helps. The advantage of tea in this case is explained by availability of catechins which remove toxins, stimulate work of kidneys.
Tea found application and in cosmetology. Here are appreciated its antibacterial, antioxidant and tonic property.
For giving of a tone to face skin, necks it can be wiped with cubes of the frozen green tea. That there was an advantage of tea, it is strong made on mineral water.
For prevention of a hair loss cosmetologists recommend to rub daily in head skin the strong freshly brewed and cooled up to the optimum temperature green tea. It is not necessary to wash away it from hair. Judging by responses, in 10 days hair cease to drop out.
For disposal of dandruff prepare such means: mix strong made green tea, castor oil, vodka – on two tablespoons. Ingredients well mix up then means is rubbed in roots of hair, the head becomes covered with warm fabric. In two hours hair can be washed up in the usual way. The procedure is carried out not less than 2-3 weekly until dandruff ceases to develop.
Harm from tea can be if to drink it constantly strong made and in large numbers.
Drink it is impossible to be fond of that who has a sleeplessness, disturbances of a cordial rhythm are found. The constant use of tea can lead to accumulation of polyphenols and poisoning, disturbance of work of a liver, kidneys.
It is not recommended to have green tea at gout since it contains purine connections.
It is impossible to wipe a face with cubes of ice tea at the expressed irritation and dehydration of skin, existence of expanded vessels on a face, at cold. Harm can apply the tea frozen and which is applied in the cosmetic purposes to those who has diseases of a thyroid gland – it is not recommended to wipe a neck with ice cubes in this case. Also it is not desirable to use ice tea for wiping of the person in the winter – directly or for an hour to an exit from the room.
The advantage of the tea made from black leaves is caused by their chemical composition. Black tea contains vitamins C, PP, A, B2, proteins, organic acids, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, iron, theophylline, tannin.
The regular use of rather weak black tea promotes recovery of a metabolism, to improvement of blood circulation and immunity, cholesterol removal, strengthening of walls of vessels, drink positively affects work of digestive organs and kidneys.
As well as in a case with green tea, black it is important to be able to make correctly. No more than 5 minutes maintain tea. It is undesirable to drink drink which infused more than half an hour as it is oxidized, and in it substances hazardous to health are emitted.
The widespread habit to make black tea several times, is harmful. It is considered that at the first zavarivaniye from leaves about a half of useful substances is extracted, at the second – 30%, and at the third – only 10%.
Harm can apply the tea made from black leaves to the people with disturbances of work of a nervous system suffering from a hyperexcitability. If to have a lot of strong black tea, the chronic fatigue, arthritis can develop.
Besides, after strong tea there can be a plaque on teeth therefore after its use it is necessary to brush teeth.
It is not recommended to have black tea during food as well as to wash down with it drugs.
Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.
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