Main > Drugs> Детокс


The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 221 rub.

Детокс – the dietary supplement promoting a detoxication of an organism and recovery of immunity.

Structure and form of release

ДетоксDrug is produced in the form of capsules. One capsule contains active ingredient – an unkariya of a tomentoz (a cat's claw) – 380 mg.

Characteristic of dietary supplement of Detoks

Unkariya of a tomentoz, the only component of Detoks, is one of the most useful known plants. It has the strengthening and recovering effect on immunity, clears an organism at the cellular level.

Unkariya the tomentoza (a cat's claw) contains the alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, triterpena, bioflavonoids providing a big set of the useful properties rendered by a plant. Therefore reviews of Detoksa of patients showed that it is reasonable to appoint drug as a combination therapy at various diseases.

Reviews of Detoksa demonstrate its positive effect in fight against viruses (flu and a SARS), inflammatory processes and acute infections, thanks to its immunomodulatory action.

Unkariya the tomentoza which is a part of drug is actively applied to suppression of formation of a mastopathy, adenoma of a prostate and a fibromyoma.

Детокс well clears an organism after prolonged treatment by medicamentous means, and also at alcoholic and other poisonings.

Pharmacological action

Detoks's use according to the instruction renders antiinflammatory, fortifying, cholagogue, detoksikatsionny, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, diuretic, radio tire-tread action.

Indications to use of dietary supplement of Detoks

Detoks according to the instruction appoint dietary supplement:

  • As biological additive for enrichment of a food allowance vegetable substances;
  • As fortifying means for the purpose of increase in ability of an organism to resist to adverse factors of the environment, for reduction of the recovery period after the postponed diseases, for increase in body resistance to infectious diseases;
  • For the purpose of improvement of functioning of bodies and systems of an organism: urinogenital, immune, cardiovascular, endocrine, bone and joint, digestive, antioxidant;
  • In the preventive purposes and as fixing of effect of drug treatment of infectious diseases, asthenic conditions of various character;
  • In the medical purposes at a depression and chronic fatigue, when weakening work of immune system owing to various factors (action of ultraviolet rays, the ionizing radiation, reception of chemotherapeutic drugs, prolonged treatment by antibiotics, and also at toxic impact on an organism of the connections which are contained in air – fungicides, insecticides, pesticides, heavy metals);Форма выпуска БАД Детокс - капсулы
  • In the medical purposes at acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, at diseases of bodies of upper respiratory tracts, cardiovascular system and digestive organs;
  • At various pathologies of reproductive system (hysteromyoma, disturbance of a menstrual cycle, cystitis, prostatitis, gynecologic diseases of inflammatory character, prostate adenoma, etc.);
  • At diseases of joints (a bursitis, arthrosis, arthritis);
  • At diseases of organs of sight (far-sightedness, conjunctivitis, a myopia, glaucoma, a cataract, a helcoma, a keratitis, an iritis);
  • At skin diseases and allergies (urticaria, bronchial asthma, vasculomotor rhinitis, hay fever);
  • At endocrine pathologies (disturbance of work of a thyroid gland, a diabetes mellitus);
  • At diseases of autoimmune character (a dermatomyositis, a pseudorheumatism);

Positive reviews about Detoks as a result of its use at oncological diseases against the background of carrying out radio arrived - and chemotherapy.

Recommendations about use

Adults accept Detoks according to the instruction in number of one capsule two times a day during meal, washing down with enough water.

Contraindications to use

Reviews of Detoksa showed that you should not use drug during pregnancy and a lactation.

Детокс according to the instruction it is contraindicated to the patients who transferred surgical interventions and also at individual intolerance of the dietary supplements components.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Siberik's nature a mask for the person night Detoks of 75 ml, Siberik's Nature of Ltd company

221 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Vichy Normaderm Nochnoy Detoks cream leaving for a probl.kozha of 40 ml, Vichy Lab

576 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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Caries is the most widespread infectious disease in the world to which even flu cannot compete.