Diet 4

The medical diet 4 (a table 4) is appointed at colitis in an acute and chronic form, coloenterites, in an initial stage of an acute gastroenterocolitis, and also at dysentery, a typhoid and tuberculosis of intestines. Питание при колитах и дизентерии - диета 4The diet helps to reduce fermentative and putrefactive processes in intestines, to stop inflammatory process and to recover the broken functions of a digestive tract, and also to transfer its work to more sparing mode. The diet 4 is appointed by doctors to reduce amount of fats and carbohydrates in a diet of the patient. The diet is made so that to provide receipt of that food which will not cause thermal or mechanical irritation of digestive organs and also will not strengthen biliation. At a diet the 4th food is steamed or steamed food acquired easier and quicker was digested, it is frayed or do puree.

Energy value of a diet at a table 4 has to be about 8583 kJ (no more than 2050 kcal). Fats have to make of them no more than 70 grams (50 g of butter), proteins – 100 grams (about 70% of animal protein), carbohydrates – 250 grams (40-50 g of sugar). Sodium of chloride there have to be in a diet no more than 8-10 grams, and free liquid not less than 1,5 l. During a diet it is very important to observe a bed rest. 4 it is necessary to eat food at a diet in a warm look to five-six times a day.

The excluded and recommended products at a diet 4 (a table 4)

At a diet 4 the use of thinly cut and not fried crackers from two hundred grams of white bread, lean cookies is authorized. Fresh and rye bread, products from fancy pastry, fritter, pancakes are prohibited.

The use of vermicelli of the boiled, rice, semolina, Herculean, wiped buckwheat cereal cooked on the fat-free broth or on water and also in the form of steam puddings is authorized. It is impossible during a diet 4 is pearl-barley, yachnevy porridges, bean, macaroni baked puddings.

The use of low-fat grades of veal, beef, meat of rabbits, turkeys, hens is authorized. Meat is previously degreased, deleted a sinew and a fascia. From meat cook the welded on water or steam quenelles, quenelles, cutlets. For cutlets instead of bread add boiled rice to forcemeat, and then pass it through a small lattice of the meat grinder three-four times. From boiled meat prepare a souffle. During a diet 4 (a table 4) in preparation of dishes it is forbidden to use fat types and grades of meat, fried and stewed meat a piece, smoked products, sausages.

Soups at a diet 4 are cooked on the weak fat-free fish or beef-infusion broth with rice or semolina, the wiped or boiled meat, quenelles and steam quenelles, egg flakes. It is impossible to use at this diet milk soups, and also soups on fat and strong broths with vegetables, pasta.

The menu of a diet 4 can include dishes from low-fat species of fish (in the form of quenelles, quenelles, cutlets). Fish dishes can be boiled in water or on couple. It is impossible to eat salty fish, fat species of fish, canned food, caviar. It is allowed to eat one-two eggs daily. Eggs it is possible to boil soft-boiled, to prepare from them a steam omelet, to add to various dishes.

It is possible to add a small piece of butter (5 g) to ready dishes. For preparation of dishes it is impossible to use cooking and animal fats.

4 it is forbidden to include dairy products in a table of a diet. It is possible to use only the freshly cooked fresh or calcinated cottage cheese wiped.

It is impossible at a medical diet 4 there are berries and fruit in the natural form, and also compotes, dried fruits, jam, honey and other sweets. From a cornel, bilberry, a quince, pears, bird cherries it is possible to prepare jelly and kissels. Sugar can be added to dishes in limited quantity (no more than 50 grams a day). Vegetables can be used only in the form of the broths added to soups. Snack, spices and sauces are excluded from a diet.

It is allowed to have tea, cocoa on water, coffee, juice of not acid fruit and berries, divorced water. The use of broths from dried bilberry, a cornel, a dogrose, a quince, blackcurrant is authorized. It is impossible to have cocoa and coffee with milk, cold and carbonated drinks, grape juice, kvass.

Approximate menu of a diet 4

The menu of a diet 4 can look so:

  • first breakfast: the porridge cooked on water, the freshly cooked wiped cottage cheese, tea with one teaspoon of sugar;
  • second breakfast: apple puree;
  • lunch: a beef-infusion broth with rice grain, the meat meatballs steamed semolina porridge, kissel.
  • afternoon snack: unsweetened broth of blackcurrant;
  • dinner: a steam omelet, the buckwheat cereal cooked on water (wiped) tea.
  • kissel before going to bed.Примерное меню диеты 4

General characteristic of a medical diet 4b

The medical diet 4b is appointed at an exacerbation of chronic intestinal diseases, and also at acute diseases of intestines to improvement stages. The diet 4b contributes to reduction of inflammatory processes and normalization of work of the alimentary system. At this type of a diet the products aggravating the fermentation and rotting in intestines irritating a liver and sharply stimulating secretion of a pancreas and stomach are prohibited. The diet 4b assumes five times or six times food. Energy value of a diet of a diet 4b has to make no more than 2600 kcal. From them on proteins 100-110 grams, have to fall on fats – 80-90 grams, on carbohydrates – 350-400 grams, 8-10 grams of salt and one and a half liters of free liquid. On chemical composition and size of energy value the medical diet 4b is not full, but in it the amount of protein is a little increased.

The recommended and prohibited products and dishes diyety4b

At a diet 4b it is allowed to use the dried or yesterday's white bread from flour of the first or highest grades, a dry biscuit, biscuit. Rye bread, puff or rich products, white bread from coarse flour are prohibited.

It is recommended to use the fat-free soups on a fish, beef-infusion broth or vegetable broth. Milk soups, soups with bean products, rassolniks, Russian cabbage soup, beetroot soups, okroshkas are prohibited.

The fat-free and low-fat types and grades of meat are allowed in food. The medical diet 4b prohibited fat grades and types of meat. Consumption of goose or duck meat, various sausages, smoked products, canned food is not allowed. It is possible to add cutlets, quenelles, quenelles from low-fat grades of fish to a diet. The use of salty, smoked, fat fish, canned food is forbidden. It is possible to add milk, cream, not acid sour cream to dishes. It is possible to eat acidophilus milk, kefir and other dairy drinks. The use of curd paste, fresh cottage cheese, puddings, not strong cheese is allowed. Well razvarenny porridges are resolved. At preparation of porridges it is possible to add the third part of milk to water. At a diet 4b it is allowed to eat the fresh and ripened tomatoes (50-100 g a day). The sweet and ripe fruit which are previously peeled of a thin skin are recommended in food (to 100 g a day). Sauces on vegetable broth or a weak beef-infusion broth are recommended. Fruit sauces, milk sauces are resolved. It is possible to add fennel, parsley, cinnamon, vanillin, bay leaf to dishes.

Whether you know that:

In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.