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Meatless diet

The meatless diet intended for weight loss at the excess weight and clarifications of an organism consists in an exception of a diet of meat and meat products, and also their replacement with soy products.Особенности диеты без мяса

Features of a meatless diet

At observance of a meatless diet it is necessary to refuse completely for 10-14 days the use of meat, meat products and semi-finished products. In order that the organism had no sharp deficiency of protein, calcium and zinc, it is necessary to pass gradually to a diet and to include in a diet alternative products with useful substances.

Useful products in such diet are soy, soy sauce and soy meat, and also dairy products, fish and eggs. Soy sauce at a diet can be added to various dishes and to fill with it salads. Also vegetables, almonds, bean cultures, white loaf, spinach and broccoli will fill a stock of important microelements and vitamins.

In the period of a meatless diet it is necessary to refuse caloric dishes and to replace them with soy products. Soy does not cause allergic reactions, has a neutral smell and pleasant taste.

The soy diet is based on soy products which do not contain cholesterol and lactose, are well acquired and remove intoxication symptoms. The regular use of soy meat and soy sauce at a diet will allow to reduce risk of development of oncological diseases, weak-mindednesses, pathologies of bone tissues and diseases of cardiovascular system.

The advantage and efficiency of a soy diet is caused by existence in a plant of lecithin which regulates lipidic exchange, promotes a zhiroszhiganiye and normalizes metabolism process.

Caloric content of soy and soy meat

Soy is a preferable product for the dietary and vegetarian menu as supports squirrels of a plant origin. Phosphorus, calcium, iron, sodium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, E and B, and also useful fatty acids are a part of soy meat.

Caloric content of soy makes 381 kcal, and also in its structure of 17 g of fats, 34 g of proteins and 17,2 g of carbohydrates.

Soy meat is a product from soy with the phytalbumin made of soy flour. This meat is suitable for vegetarian food and the dietary menu. Caloric content of soy meat makes 296 kcal, and also it contains 52 g of proteins, 2 g of fats and 17 g of carbohydrates.Диета без мяса подразумевает употребление альтернативных продуктов

From the average caloric content of soy meat it is possible to cook dietary soups, and also various dishes with vegetables, pasta and grain.

Advantages of a meatless diet

The meatless diet consisting of soy products, vegetables and fruit it is necessary to observe no more than 15 days that the organism did not get a stress and did not reach exhaustion. During a soy diet it is necessary to eat not less than 3 - 4 times a day, to have a bite 2-3 times and to use daily not less than 1,5 liters of liquid.

Such diet well is suitable for the people doing active sports, dances, and also observing healthy nutrition. The soy diet helps to eliminate extra kilos, promotes removal from an organism of harmful substances, strengthens the musculoskeletal device and stabilizes psychoemotional a state.

Before transition to a meatless diet it is necessary to consult with the attending physician and to undergo diagnostic inspection.

This diet has both advantages, and shortcomings. It is possible to carry to the main advantages of a meatless diet:

  • simplicity of drawing up the weekly menu and availability of products in its structure;
  • prevention of various diseases (diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, oncological diseases, hypertension);
  • effective weight loss without organism exhaustion;
  • improvement of a condition of skin and hair;
  • increase in elasticity of muscles and strengthening of bones.

It is necessary to consider that the meatless diet is contraindicated at anemia, hypotonia, exhaustion, diseases of a brain and mental disorders, and also at children's age up to 16 years.

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