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Diet for a liver

Для эффективного лечения необходимо соблюдать диету при заболеваниях печениTreatment of the diseases connected with disturbance of work of a liver (chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, etc.), means not only medicamentous intervention. It is necessary to keep to a diet at liver diseases.

In what advantage of a diet at liver diseases?

Main goal of a diet for a liver is decrease in load of sick body, minimizing of negative impact of harmful chemicals. At the same time the good and balanced nutrition of the patient remains. Some restrictions which are demanded by a diet at liver diseases contribute to normalization of its work, and also improve functioning of bilious ways and bile secretion, normalize exchange processes in an organism.

Diet bases for a liver

People with diseases of a liver are recommended to enrich the diet with lipotropic components. It means inclusion in a diet of such products as soy, a cod, cottage cheese. Doctors recommended a long time to patients of a diet for a liver with restriction of consumption of fats. On the one hand, it is quite logical as after acceptance of greasy food many patients complained of pains in right hypochondrium, nausea and bitterness in a mouth. However recently doctors adhere to the opposite point of view, considering that the diet at diseases of a liver has to include fats. Only it have to be such fats which the organism transfers well. On condition of the correct consumption of similar fats the condition of the patient can improve considerably.

In a diet at a liver disease total quantity of fat has to make about 80-100 g. The ratio of 30% of vegetable and 70% of animal fat is considered optimum. It is more preferable to receive fat from the food rich with protein (fish, meat, cottage cheese). It is already proved that the diet at diseases of a liver which included mix of vegetable and animal fats is much more effective, than a diet with the content of exclusively animal or exclusively vegetable fats.

Vegetable oil in general is useful at liver diseases. It normalizes a metabolism in an organism and directly in a liver, and also has quite good cholagogue effect. If at the patient the bile outflow delay is observed, then it is recommended to increase total quantity of fat to 150 g of which 50% have to make vegetable fats. If the disease of a liver is complicated by jaundice, then the amount of the consumed fat needs to be reduced to 50-70 g, on the contrary.

The amount of carbohydrates in a diet for a liver has to make 400-450 g a day. At the same time simple carbohydrates (fancy bread, sugar, honey) have to make 50-100 g. It is forbidden to use excessive amount of carbohydrates as it promotes an adiposity in hepatic cells.

Many chronic diseases of bilious ways and a liver develop under the influence of acute infections or as a result of long abuse of alcoholic beverages, disbolism. The most common forms of damages of a liver are cholecystitises and hepatitises. The diet at diseases of a liver is appointed only by the attending physician and depends on a stage of a disease and the general condition of the patient. The main attention in a diet at diseases of a liver is given to the sparing diet and a full-fledged ratio of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins.

Thus, at cholecystitises and hepatitises it is necessary to follow the following rules:

  • the amount of carbohydrates in a diet at diseases of a liver should not be excessive, and for patients with a big weight in general has to be reduced;
  • at a diet there has to be enough digestible, full-fledged proteins;
  • the amount of fats directly depends on a condition of the patient: if there is a need to strengthen cholagogue action of a diet for a liver, the amount of proteins can be increased;
  • all food has to be exposed to careful culinary processing;
  • it is desirable to use only boiled dishes, and also the wiped or chopped food;
  • fractional food in the small portions as it improves motility of intestines is recommended, has cholagogue effect and as much as possible spares sick body;
  • it is necessary for a liver to include products with the high content of cellulose as it increases cholagogue effect in structure of a diet and provides the maximum removal of cholesterol from an organism.

What products are prohibited in a diet for a liver?

At diseases of a liver it is impossible to eat mutton, pork, a duck, a goose, any fried dishes, canned food and smoked products, refractory cheeses, a sorrel, chocolate, cocoa, ice cream, cold drinks, mushrooms, spinach and any alcoholic drinks.

Diet at cirrhosis

Any disease of a liver demands observance of a sparing diet, but the diet at cirrhosis contains very strict contraindications.

Диета при болезнях печени должна быть щадящейSo, it is absolutely forbidden to use any fat meat, cooking fats, soups on strong broths, the eggs hard-boiled, fish of fat grades, canned food, fried eggs, mushrooms, marinades, bean, a garden radish, spinach, a sorrel, green onions, a radish, ice cream, acid berries and fruit, black coffee, chocolate, mustard, pepper, cold drinks, horse-radish. But the most important restriction in a diet at cirrhosis is the absolute contraindication to alcohol. All steam of glasses of strong alcohol can cause the strongest palindromia even if she did not remind of herself for a long time.

Unfortunately, cirrhosis is incurable. However, using an adequate technique of treatment as a part of which without fail there is a dietotherapy, it is possible to suspend a course of a disease.

Diets for a liver in modern medicine play the leading role at treatment of her diseases. Today any of the existing medicinal techniques does not yield such effective result as a dietotherapy.

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