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Diet and alcohol

Диета и алкоголь - совместимы или нет?Whether observance of a diet and the use at the same time of alcohol – a controversial issue is possible. Considering a variety of diets and the range of alcoholic beverages, in each separate case compatibility of a diet and alcohol needs to be considered individually, it is desirable by means of consultation of the nutritionist. In recommendations of the majority of rigid diets alcohol is categorically excluded. At the same time, if dumping of weight happens due to limited consumption of calories, such diet and alcohol are quite combined. When calculating standard daily rate of calories it is only necessary to consider the caloric content of alcoholic drinks which you take.

Alcohol caloric content

Alcohol caloric content indisputable fact: all substances, except pure drinking water which are used by the person contain calories. Moreover, digestion of alcohol an organism happens without digestion: absorption of molecules of alcohol in blood begins in an oral cavity, further it is instantly acquired by digestive tract and comes to circulatory system, a brain, a liver, supplying them with net energy of "empty calories". The nutrients which are contained in fats and carbohydrates at the same time are laid in a reserve, increasing weight. The fact that its use increases appetite complicates compatibility of a diet and alcohol.

There are situations when alcoholic beverages help to relax and reduce stress, to have a good time in the pleasant company or to improve the relations, having defused tensions of a situation. If at the same time you keep to a diet, alcohol should be taken taking into account the following facts:

  • The number of calories depends on alcohol fortress: the fortress is higher, the it is more than calories and vice versa;
  • Content of sugar and yeast in alcoholic beverages increases their caloric content;
  • Alcohol reduces the speed of combustion of fats, promoting their accumulation;
  • Increase in appetite at the use of alcoholic beverages can cause an overeating.

Aggravate action of negative factors, most often, not of calorie in alcohol, and the speed and level of its concentration in blood. Slow intake of alcohol in blood and the low peak of concentration give the chance to an organism in parallel to acquire the arriving fats, proteins and carbohydrates, without laying them in the form of extra kilos. Besides, alcohol helps to remove stressful stress and saves from requirement "to jam a problem" that leads to weight reduction.

Diet and alcohol: wine in diets

Many ballerinas prefer to grow thin, using red wine with fruit of preferential red color or white wine with a small amount of firm cheese. In the majority of the developed countries the lunch and a dinner can be finished with a glass of good wine that practically does not affect build.

The properties of natural wines useful to functioning of an organism and maintenance of a figure are scientifically proved:

  • Availability of cholagogue substances which strengthen secretory function of a liver accelerates digestion process, and removal of products of processing of food, reduces processes of fermentation and rotting in intestines;
  • The resveratrol which is contained in red wine is capable to normalize insulin level in blood which surplus often is the reason of excess weight;
  • Existence of a large number of useful microelements and salts, especially in white wine, promotes the improved assimilation from iron food. It improves composition of blood that accelerates exchange processes and increases power consumption;
  • Acidity of natural wine is similar to acidity of a healthy stomach that provides digestion strengthening. With age the content of acid in a gastric juice decreases, the use of moderate doses of wine contributes to acidity normalization, improving digestion of food and reducing its accumulation in a type of extra kilos.

The experiment of expediency of combination of a diet and alcohol conducted by the German wine academy showed that the group which is daily using 200 ml of dry white wine a day dumped 20% more excess weight, than group in which wine was replaced with natural juice.

Caloric content of alcoholic beverages

It is especially important to know the caloric content of alcoholic beverages when the technique of weight reduction consists in calculation of daily consumption of calories, but it is not limited to a certain set of products.Диета и алкоголь совместимы при соблюдении определенных правил

Calories in alcohol and amount of carbohydrates in 100 g of ready drink:

  • Vodka of 40% – kcal carbohydrates 0.0, 235;
  • Brandy of 40% – kcal carbohydrates 0.5, 225;
  • Whisky of 40% – kcal carbohydrates 0.0, 220;
  • Gin of 40% – kcal carbohydrates 0.0, 220;
  • Cognac of 40% in – kcal carbohydrates 0.1, 239;
  • Rum of 40% – kcal carbohydrates 0.0, 220;
  • Punch of 26% – kcal carbohydrates 30.0, 260;
  • Liqueur of 24% – kcal carbohydrates 53.0, 345;
  • Port of 20% – kcal carbohydrates 13.7, 167;
  • Sherry of 20% – kcal carbohydrates 10.0, 152;
  • Madeira of 18% – kcal carbohydrates 10.0, 139;
  • Dessert white wine of 13.5% – kcal carbohydrates 5.9, 98;
  • Vermouth of 13% – kcal carbohydrates 15.9, 158;
  • Dry white wine of 12% – kcal carbohydrates 0.2, 66;
  • Red wine of 12% – kcal carbohydrates 2.3, 76;
  • Beer of 4.5% – kcal carbohydrates 3.8, 45;
  • Beer of 1.8% – kcal carbohydrates 4.3, 29;
  • Mojito cocktail alcoholic – kcal carbohydrates 5.3, 52;
  • Brut champagne – kcal carbohydrates 1.4, 70.

Calorie content in any diet, depending on exercise stresses, fluctuates from 1500 to 1800 kcal, it means that to include several portions of alcohol in the menu, without being beyond a kalorazh, quite really. One portion of alcohol contains in a glass of wine, 0.33 light beer or 25 ml of drink with a strength of 40%. The standard daily rate recommended for men – 3-4 portions of alcohol, for women – no more than 1-2 portions.

Diet and alcohol: main rules

The diet and alcohol are quite combined at respect for norms of consumption of alcoholic beverages and important rules:

  • It is necessary to drink alcohol as it is possible more slowly;
  • To drink no more than 50 g of pure alcohol a day (120 ml of vodka or cognac, two glasses of dry wine or 2 glasses of beer);
  • To give preference to drinks of smaller fortress, to dilute wine water, gin tonic, whisky – soda that reduces alcohol absorption speed;
  • To take drinks with the high content of tannins which reduce alcohol absorption speed, giving preference to red wine, cognac, whisky;
  • It is correct to have a snack: meat snack and bread slow down absorption speed, and fruit and carbonated drinks – increase. For this reason the diet and alcohol are compatible much better, than a diet and carbonated drinks.

Existence of calories in alcohol – not an occasion to refuse flatly alcoholic beverages in a diet. It is necessary to consider all positive and negative aspects and in each case, considering recommendations of the nutritionist, to be defined whether it is worth combining a diet and alcohol.

Whether you know that:

When lovers kiss, each of them loses 6,4 calories a minute, but at the same time they exchange nearly 300 species of various bacteria.