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Diet minus 10 kg

Many people suffer from surplus of weight presently. And therefore it is not surprising at all that the diet minus 10 kg enjoys wide popularity.

For whom the diet minus 10 kg is suitable?

Whether it is possible Особенности диеты минус 10 кгto lose weight within a week? This question is very urgent for all now: young and elderly, men and women. Nobody ever can give the exact forecast in view of identity of each organism. If someone managed to lose weight, adhering to a diet, in 2 weeks on 10 kg, then it does not mean at all that any other person will be able to achieve the same result. At all people a different metabolism, the need for calories it is also various depending on a day regimen, exercise stresses and so forth.

Interesting observation: it is simpler to lose excess weight to the people having its explicit excesses – over 20 kg. It occurs due to decrease in caloric content of food. Let's take, for example, the woman leading a slow-moving life. Caloric content of its diet makes 3 thousand kcal. It is clear, that excess calories lead to increase in body weight: volumes of a waist, hips, breasts, etc. grow. Decrease in number of the consumed calories half leads to rather bystry loss of weight. According to reviews, the diet of 10 kg is rather effective for this category of people and leads to bystry loss of extra kilos, especially if it is combined with sports activities or fitness.

And here for the woman who does not have excess weight and consuming 1 500 kcal a day it will not be possible to reduce food caloric content without prejudice to health in any way. It is not recommended to use less than 1 thousand kcal a day. And the majority of diets "2 weeks of 10 kg" just are also based on sharp restriction of caloric content of food. It not only will not allow to lose weight, but also will lead to deterioration in overall health, emergence of weakness, irritability, a depression. Physical activity will decrease to a minimum. It is necessary to know that, starving, it is possible to provoke dehydration. Therefore for people with normal body weight it is not necessary to look for an effective diet "Minus of 10 kg" or any other, and just to adhere to the principles of a healthy balanced diet. And for correction of the available defects of a figure to visit gym, the pool, to lead active lifestyle.

Now there are various diets directed to bystry weight loss. Let's consider some of them in more detail.

Diet minus 10 kg: soup from a celery

According to reviews, the diet "10 kg of weight down with in a week" which main component is easy soup, rather tasty and useful to health, from a celery is rather effective and safe.

This soup can be eaten throughout the day and that the most important, in any quantity. Therefore this effective diet is easily transferred and is not followed by the painful feeling of hunger characteristic of the majority of low-calorie diets. For preparation Результаты диеты минус 10 кгof soup it is required:

  • 0,5 kg of a celery;
  • 1 kg of cabbage;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2-3 paprikas;
  • 2 tomatoes of the average size;
  • 2 bulbs;
  • Spices, greens and garlic to taste.

The cut ingredients are filled in with boiled water and 30-40 minutes to a softening cook. It is necessary to infuse to soup 30 minutes then it is ready to the use.

To lose weight with chocolate? Easily!

Based on the use of cocoa and bitter chocolate "Diet of 10 Kg", according to reviews, allows to reduce volumes in problem zones: in a waist and on hips. At the same time it is well transferred and that is important, provides equal and good mood throughout the day. Weight reduction happens because the use of cocoa or bitter chocolate gives already in a few minutes sense of fulness, and hunger does not disturb within five hours. In these products there are a lot of proteins, microelements and vitamins. In addition, cocoa and bitter chocolate promote development by a cerebral cortex of special substances – endorphines thanks to which the mood improves, symptoms of a depression, a stress effect are eliminated.

Diet minus 10 kg: cabbage

By means of such effective diet "Minus of 10 kg" it is possible to receive bystry and fine result: in 10 days to lose weight by 10 kg. Cabbage is a low-calorie product, and the amount of cellulose and vitamins B to it is more, than in other vegetables. There is a lot of grades of cabbage: color, white, kohlrabi, Bruxelles, etc. All have the energy value, but at a white cabbage the lowest caloric content – 26 kcal. And in sauerkraut it makes only 19 kcal. Therefore once in three days at such cabbage diet it is necessary to use sauerkraut.

The cabbage monodiet is rigid. Therefore with this diet of 10 kg in 2 weeks to lose quite really. If the feeling of hunger becomes aggravated, then it is possible to use cabbage leaves without restrictions. During a cabbage diet it is recommended to drink not less than 1,5 liters of still mineral water, and also in unlimited number green tea. Since morning it is allowed to drink a cup of coffee. It accelerates exchange processes that positively affects loss of weight.

Whether you know that:

In our intestines are born, millions of bacteria live and die. They can be seen only at strong increase, but if they gathered, then would be located in a usual coffee cup.