In life of each woman there are such moments when it is necessary to lose weight quickly (before issue on the beach, a corporate party or other action, or simply when bought a new stunning dress in shop and it is necessary to throw off literally couple of kilograms that it ideally sat). In such cases of the woman, as a rule, almost completely limit themselves in food and, one may say, just tire themselves out in the gym. And there is nothing surprising that it does not yield any result – time just barely enough. But how after all to throw off these hated several kilograms for couple of days? In this case below the considered diets for 4 days perfectly will approach.
Why it is so difficult to lose weight for so short term? The matter is that during observance of a rigid diet we have feeling of hunger which our organism perceives as a stress (oh, hungry times came). As a result it leads to the fact that the organism turns on the mechanism of the minimum expense of energy and the maximum postponement "for emergency" that significantly slows down a metabolism. It is natural reaction of an organism to feeling of hunger. And what to it put to the fact that you want to lose weight? Therefore, as a rule, very rigid diets for 3-4 days or do not bring result at all, or lead to the fact that after them we begin to gain strenuously the weight which, by the way, is much more difficult for reducing afterwards.
Therefore that during observance of a diet for 3-4 days your metabolism was not slowed down, recommended to follow two rules:
The intensive exercise stress is simply necessary for bystry and effective weight reduction. It promotes that power consumption begins to prevail over its receipt in an organism for day. The aerobics is considered especially effective: quickly walking, jogging, dances at bystry speed, swimming, occupations on the exercise bike or a racetrack, driving the bicycle, etc.
Days later after the intensive physical training processes of combustion of fat reach the peak, and the organism begins to fill the calories spent for a training at the expense of an internal fatty stock. That's it at this moment it is worth limiting significantly itself in food as it will lead to the fact that fatty tissue will begin to be spent intensively.
It is worth learning to combine competently physical trainings with restrictions in food not to hunger at the same time. For this purpose perfectly diets for 4 days which will help you to achieve tremendous result will approach.
Consider that this diet is expected 3-4 days, it is no more! Otherwise you threaten to spoil to yourself a stomach. Besides, this diet for 4 days is contraindicated to the people having problems with cardiovascular system.
Bystry diet for 4 days quite effective, but it cannot be fond too. It is possible to observe it at most 2-3 times a year. And to avoid a bystry set of weight upon termination of a diet, you should not attack on all prohibited products at once, it is necessary to enter them into a diet gradually.
So, a bystry diet for 4 days:
During observance of this diet for 4 days it is recommended to use about 2-2,5 liters of liquid a day. It is possible to drink water without gas, the fat-free kefir, green tea. It is recommended to drink a glass of the fat-free kefir as it promotes bystry saturation before meal.
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