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Diet from spots

Diet from spots – specially developed food allowance used in a complex with other measures for reduction of formation of spots (acne) on a face and a body.Особенности и принципы диеты от прыщей на лице

The main reasons for formation of spots connected with food:

  • Disturbances in work of digestive tract (a problem with intestines, a stomach, a gall bladder). Untimely disposal of an organism of the waste of life activity containing slags and toxins through a GIT activates their removal through skin pores;
  • The excessive use of the refined products, including sugar, provokes production of the skin fat which is clogging up pores.

It is possible to remove these causes keeping to a diet from spots which diet included the products rich with useful substances improving digestion and harmful products are excluded.

Diet from spots on the face

The special discomfort in everyday life delivers chronic formation of spots on the face. The diet in this case is necessary. Correctly made food allowance will improve a metabolism, will promote clarification of an organism, including integuments, and will reduce probability of emergence of spots.

The diet diet from spots on the face has to contain enough:

  • Celluloses, for timely and full purgation – fresh vegetables and fruit, porridges from any bean and cereal, except rice;
  • Proteins, as main construction material of cells, including cells of integuments – fast grades of meat, a bird, fish, seafood, dairy and fermented milk products;
  • The vitamin A necessary for recovery and maintenance of epithelial fabrics – carrots, cucumbers, spinach, a sorrel, apricots, blackcurrant, beef liver, olive oil;
  • Vitamin E, strong antioxidant – walnuts, almonds, a peanut, pistachios;
  • The vitamin B which is responsible for fermental processes – cabbage, cheeses, kidneys, buckwheat and wheat grain, bean;
  • Omega acid (decrease in content of harmful fats, acceleration of processes of fatty metabolism) – fish oil, flax seeds;
  • The zinc participating in regulation of work of sebaceous glands and delay of production of skin fat – an asparagus, a herring, braised beef, a liver, bran, oysters;
  • The selenium promoting recovery of the damaged cells, preventing emergence of spots – wheat, nuts.

Products which should be included surely in the menu of a diet from spots – a lemon, ginger, garlic, parsley, carrots. They possess strong bactericidal action, promote clarification of vessels from cholesterol, increase immunity, remove toxins and slags, neutralize lipids.

It is important to observe the drinking mode also. Clear drinking water is necessary for removal of slags, cleaning of an organism, recovery of cells. It is necessary to drink not less than 6-8 glasses of water a day.

Using all above-mentioned products by drawing up the menu of a diet from spots it is necessary to remember that it is better to prepare dishes together with the minimum addition of spices, salt and fats.

For the period of observance of a diet from spots on the face it is necessary to exclude from a diet completely:

  • Bread and bakery products from fine flour;
  • Fat meat, fat;
  • Various smoked products, boiled sausages;
  • Hot spices, amplifiers of taste;
  • Sweets (pastries, especially with creams, jam, candies, chocolate);
  • Any instant food (fast food);
  • Alcohol;
  • Strong tea and coffee.

Individually made, taking into account features of an organism, development stage a disease and the accompanying pathologies, the diet from spots, according to reviews promotes not only to disposal of acne rash, but also improves overall health, and also allows to get rid of excess weight.

Diet from spots on days

The following approximate menu of a diet from spots on days made for a week is offered.Правильно составленный рацион питания - основа диеты от прыщей

1 day:

  • Breakfast – Porridge on milk, fresh vegetables and fruit, green tea;
  • Lunch – Chicken soup, boiled egg, green tea;
  • Dinner – fish together with a garnish from vegetables, otrubny bread, compote.

2 day:

  • Breakfast – low-fat cottage cheese or cheese, a fruit drink;
  • Lunch – soup from meat of a turkey, green tea;
  • Dinner – the boiled or baked beef with vegetables, a glass of low-fat milk.

3 day:

  • Breakfast – fresh fruit salad, a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • Lunch – soup from meat of a rabbit, vegetable salad, green tea;
  • Dinner – buckwheat cereal, a glass of low-fat fermented baked milk.

4 day of a diet from spots:

  • Breakfast – wheat porridge, fresh fruit, kissel;
  • Lunch – beef or veal soup, otrubny bread, green tea;
  • Dinner – chicken fillet and allsorts from vegetables, compote.

5 day:

  • Breakfast – cottage cheese, vegetables salad, rather weak black tea;
  • Lunch – fish soup or fish soup, cheese sandwich, green tea;
  • Dinner fish with vegetables on couple, kissel.

6 day:

  • Breakfast – fresh vegetables, boiled egg, a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • Lunch – vegetable soup, fruit salad, tea;
  • Dinner – boiled low-fat meat, pearl-barley porridge, kissel.

7 day:

  • Breakfast – millet cereal, fruit salad, a glass of low-fat fermented baked milk;
  • Lunch – fish soup, otrubny bread, tea;
  • Dinner – fish on couple, cottage cheese, a glass of low-fat kefir.

Being guided by this menu, a diet from spots, according to reviews, quite really to make independently, proceeding from personal food preferences, products which are available in the house and it is obligatory taking into account the list of components, necessary for it.

In a diet it is important to eat food at an interval of 3-4 hours, to avoid having a snack. If the feeling of hunger is insuperable, between the main receptions it is possible to drink a glass of the fat-free kefir or to eat sweet-sour apple.

Diet from spots. Purgation

Prior to the beginning of any diet from spots, according to reviews, for obtaining good results, it is necessary to carry out preliminary cleaning of intestines of the collected harmful deposits. When the GIT does not cope with removal from an organism of the processed products with slags and toxins, a part of function on their removal is undertaken by skin. As a result skin pores are hammered, acne rash or spots is formed. As soon as intestines begin to work normally, spots pass for very short time.

Purgation can be carried out by various methods, but laxative drugs or enemas are not recommended to be applied. Lush of all before a diet to spend fasting days on prunes, beet, kefir, water-melons or fresh plums. It will allow to clear perfectly a GIT, without doing harm to an organism.

If daily within a week to drink on an empty stomach 0.5 liters of water with a salt teaspoon, and half an hour later a glass of kefir, at the expense of gradual purgation the quantity of spots on skin will considerably be reduced. Salt promotes absorption and removal of harmful substances, and kefir sates microflora with useful lactobacilli and removes the salt remains.

In the first days of observance of a diet from spots the condition of skin can worsen. The quantity of spots can increase as the strengthened process of removal of slags began. It is not necessary to interrupt a diet, having decided that it is inefficient. In several days the organism will be cleared of the saved-up earlier disease-producing deposits, and skin will begin to be cleared.

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