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Diet on hours

All parents owing to various reasons try to accustom the child to a diet on hours. It not only is useful for an organism, but also it is very convenient in life. The diet on hours is based also on a diet on hours.Диета по часам - принцип питания для пунктуальных людей

Who will suit a diet on hours?

According to reviews, the diet on hours perfectly will be suitable for people pedantic and punctual, able to organize the life. Many nutritionists consider that it is possible to adhere to this diet long time. As a rule, the notable result from a diet on hours, according to reviews, becomes swept up a month later, and sometimes even one and a half months later. Despite duration of this diet, nutritionists assure that at its observance it is possible to dump 7-8 excess kilograms. Besides, weight a long time is not returned, only if not to go to far in too greasy or sweet food.

Some doctors consider that especially this diet on hours will be suitable for those people whose weight did not leave far from norm. If weight strongly exceeds norm, then the diet will hardly be effective.

Diet advantages on hours

  • Keeping to a diet on hours of people can get rid of some diseases of a GIT and normalize sugar level in blood;
  • Nutritionists assure that at observance of an interval between meals from 2 to 4 hours the caloric content of products is significantly reduced. It occurs because the organism does not manage to produce hormones of hunger and people quite is content with small portions. Besides, the organism which does not hunger does not lay fats "in store";
  • The diet on hours develops organization and a habit in the person, normalizes the broken metabolism;
  • The diet allows the person to pick up products for the taste;
  • It is possible to observe a diet on hours any, even quite long period. The only conditions of a diet are observance of the mode and moderate consumption of food.

Diet essence on hours

The minimum term of this diet makes one month. It is possible to keep, of course, to a diet and less long time, but the result so will not be visible, and, as we know, notable result is an ultimate goal of any diet.

The diet consists of eight meals with two-hour intervals. On hours it is necessary to keep to a diet 5 days then 10 days it is necessary to eat in the usual mode. Restrictions in food need to be made only on flour and sweet products. If there is a strong wish, then on hours it is possible to include dietary bread and fruit sugar in the menu of a diet. Further it is necessary to repeat the cycle – 5 days a diet, 10 days a break. For a week of observance of a diet of people gets rid on average of 1-2 kilograms.

Versions of the menu of a diet on hours

The first version of the menu of a diet on hours is quite unusual, and its duration makes 2-3 weeks. Every week of such diet allows to get rid of 2-3 kg.Максимальный срок соблюдения диеты по часам - 1 месяц

  • 7.00 – fast porridge of 100 g, skim milk of 200 ml, one apple (pear) and half of grapefruit;
  • 8.30 – physical exercises on strengthening of muscles of a press;
  • 9.00 – fresh plums or cherry of 100 g;
  • 11:00 – vegetable soup without potatoes;
  • 12:00 – physical exercises on strengthening of muscles of legs and a prelum abdominale;
  • 12:30 – the vegetables salad filled with lemon juice, 2 pieces of whole-grain bread, yogurt or kefir the fat-free 200 ml, firm cheese of 25 g;
  • 15:00 – a branch of parsley or a celery, mineral waters without gas;
  • 17:30 – fruit and berry compote, it is possible with sugar 200 ml;
  • 19:00 – vegetables salad, a piece of low-fat beef (fish or chicken), the fat-free yogurt or kefir of 200 ml;
  • 19:30 – exercises on strengthening of muscles of a prelum abdominale, squats;
  • 22:00 – a slice of a melon or one pear, green tea without sugar.

The second version of the menu of a diet on hours is classical (5 days of a diet, 10 days of a break):

  • 7.00 – a cup of tea or natural coffee without sugar;
  • 9.00 – the carrots grated, seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil;
  • 11:00 – any fruit;
  • 13:00 – boiled fast meat of 100 g, a slice of whole-grain bread with butter;
  • 15:00 – skim cheese of 100 g and two hard-boiled eggs;
  • 17:00 – vegetables salad, including boiled;
  • 19.00 – 10 pieces of the dried fruits which are previously soaked in boiled water;
  • 21:00 – the fat-free kefir or yogurt of 200 g.
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