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Diet at hemorrhoids

Особенности диеты при геморрое и запорахHemorrhoids – the disease of a large intestine representing the varicosity of cavernous textures of the vessels which are localized under a mucous membrane and under rectum skin, caused by disturbance of a blood-groove in vessels of a small pelvis and crotch.

Diet at hemorrhoids – the balanced diet allowing to prevent emergence of the major factors provoking development of this disease: locks, diarrheas.

Lock and hemorrhoids: disease causes and effects

To establish relationship of cause and effect between a lock and hemorrhoids extremely difficult. The chronic lock and hemorrhoids are the most frequent combination of the symptoms bringing the patient on appointment. The lock is one of the main symptoms of hemorrhoids along with bloody allocations at defecation, protrusion of hemorrhoidal nodes from an anus, pains, an itch, discomfort in an anus. Often difficulties at defecation and pain promote development of psychological disturbances in patients – fear of a campaign in a toilet. The person in fear to feel severe pain in every possible way tries to suppress desires to an intestines excrement, thereby aggravating load of vessels of a small pelvis and crotch.

Lock – disturbance of passing of fecal masses in intestines that significantly complicates the act of defecation. Locks can lead to emergence of cracks of a rectum, an inflammation of pryamokishechny cellulose. At locks fecal masses becomes dense and firm. Their accumulation in lower parts of a rectum squeezes large vessels, thereby breaking a blood stream. Also at a lock there is involuntary tension in attempt of the next excrement that makes the squeezing impact on vessels of a small pelvis.

The main reason for locks – improper feeding. The diet at hemorrhoids offers the balanced menu which first of all will help to avoid locks, excepting the products promoting solidification of fecal masses, and also enriching a diet with the products improving an intestines peristaltics (the wavy reductions of intestines promoting advance of its contents to outlet openings).

Hemorrhoids and locks demand the complex combined therapy. If during treatment of hemorrhoids to disregard locks, then the risk of a recurrence of a disease is high.

Diet at hemorrhoids and locks: indispensable condition of therapy of a disease

Any dysfunctions of intestines lead to disturbance of comfortable life of the patient, in certain cases lead to full isolation of the patient from society. Hemorrhoids are followed by pain, loss of hemorrhoidal nodes, bleedings. Locks can lead to a coprostasis (a fecal blockage), and afterwards to an incontience a calla, to rectal bleedings, a prolapse of the rectum, intestinal impassability.

In treatment of hemorrhoids and its main reason and symptoms an integrated approach is necessary. Now there are radical (surgical excision of hemorrhoidal nodes) also conservative techniques of treatment of hemorrhoids. One of the main conservative techniques of treatment is the diet at hemorrhoids and locks. Many patients underestimate a role of food and the mode in development of gastrointestinal diseases. Respect for the principles of a diet at hemorrhoids will allow to prevent development of a disease as all age groups are subject to hemorrhoids. The disease affects equally men and women. Now the tendency of "rejuvenation" of a disease is observed. Earlier hemorrhoids were considered as age and occupational disease. The modern slow-moving way of life of youth leads to frequent cases of developing of a disease at young people.

The diet at hemorrhoids and locks will allow to normalize function of intestines, to activate its peristaltics, and also to develop at the person the correct preferences in food that will allow to avoid further repeated development of hemorrhoids and locks. Any medicamentous drug is not capable to have effect which is rendered by the balanced diet at hemorrhoids.

Diet at hemorrhoids: principles of healthy nutrition

How the diet at hemorrhoids allows to avoid development of hemorrhoids, and also to reduce manifestation of its symptoms? Correctly picked up diet at hemorrhoids excludes the products capable to strengthen inflow of blood to vessels of a small pelvis that leads to overflow of veins, protrusion of their walls and formation of hemorrhoidal nodes. Such effect spicy food, seasonings, canned food, spices, marinated products, alcoholic beverages have.

The basic principles of a diet at hemorrhoids:

  • The use of the products rich with cellulose – vegetables, fruit, cereals, bran. Cellulose is not acquired in intestines, but performs a number of important functions: promotes a softening of fecal masses, decrease in level of cholesterol, removes slags and toxins. Cellulose is the favorable environment for the intestinal microflora ensuring full functioning of intestines;
  • The use of enough water – water promotes a softening of fecal masses and their easier advance on intestines that allows to avoid a natuzhivaniye of abdominal walls, and, respectively, and to reduce pressure upon rectum vessels;
  • Observance of a diet – an organism works on system. Meal in strictly certain time is a part of this system. The organism in certain time begins to produce digestive enzymes, in certain time there is an act of defecation (clarification of an organism). Untimely meal breaks integrity of system that leads to failures in work of intestines.

The diet at hemorrhoids offers the balanced diet rich with the cellulose, fermented milk products providing an intestines peristaltics. The diet at hemorrhoids also offers other diet providing frequent meals to 6 times a day.Примерное меню диеты при геморрое

Diet at hemorrhoids: menu and recommendations about observance

The diet at hemorrhoids which menu is very various and offers tasty healthy food, provides the following products in a diet:

  • Dark porridges – pearl-barley, oat (grain), buckwheat, yachnevy;
  • Bread from coarse flour (black, with bran);
  • Vegetable marrows, cabbage, broccoli, cucumbers, beet, carrots in a crude and stewed look;
  • Apricots, dried apricots, apples, prunes, bananas;
  • Bran to 75 g a day that satisfies the need of an organism for food fibers;
  • The meat steamed or boiled;
  • Vegetable oil (sunflower or olive);
  • Fermented milk products (kefirs, yogurts);
  • Juice, fruit drinks.

At observance of a diet at hemorrhoids, the menu excludes or limits the following products:

  • Semolina and rice porridges as they fix a chair that can provoke locks;
  • Fresh fancy bread, white loaf, starchy vegetables (potatoes), pasta;
  • Turnip, radish, grapes;
  • Fried meat, meat of fat grades;
  • Strong tea, coffee, kissel, alcoholic beverages.

Observance of a diet at hemorrhoids promotes an exception of a food factor of risk of development of a disease, elimination of its main symptom – a lock. Radical methods of treatment of hemorrhoids do not exclude need of observance of a diet.

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