Main > Reference book of diets> A diet at a duodenum ulcer

Diet at a duodenum ulcer

Диета при язве двенадцатиперстной кишки потребует от вас исключить из рациона жареное, острое, горячее, соленое, кислое, жирное и т.дMany people lead active lifestyle, trying to earn as much as possible money and to improve the welfare. However in a pursuit of material benefits they often forget about the healthy, balanced nutrition, have many stresses, provoking developing of an ulcer of a duodenum. This disease occurs at people of all age categories. Somehow to improve the health, it is necessary to adhere to the corresponding diet at a duodenum ulcer.

Duodenum ulcer symptoms

Most often this disease is shown at school students and teenagers. The reasons of it consist in improper feeding, the use of carbonated drinks and instant food, constant stresses that negatively affects on yet not until the end of the created alimentary system. The main symptoms of an ulcer are abdominal pains (preferential at night), vomiting, an eructation, bleeding, a stenosis. If any symptoms of this disease are observed, the qualified doctor appoints a special diet at a gut ulcer at once.

Medical diet at a duodenum ulcer

In case of detection of an ulcer, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations concerning food:

  • the day diet has to be the most balanced (to include fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals);
  • at an ulcer of a 12-perstny gut the diet excludes the use of acute, too salty and hot food which will excessively irritate mucous a digestive tract;
  • food should be eaten in the small portions every 3-4 hour;
  • it is necessary to chew or use food well and carefully in the ground look;
  • the maximum quantity of salt in day should not exceed 12 g.

The main task of a diet at an ulcer of a gut is in recovering normal functioning of all processes of an organism. Milk which has to occupy one of the central places in the day menu of the patient perfectly copes with it. At bad portability of this product an organism, it is recommended to use it in the small portions, warm, with tea or coffee.

Healing of an ulcer is promoted by also animal and vegetable fats.

The diet at an ulcer of a duodenum assumes the daily use about 3200 kcal (110 g of fats, 450 g of carbohydrates, 100 g of proteins).

The diet at an ulcer of a gut does not prohibit to include in the diet such products as bread (white, crackers), fermented milk products (cottage cheese, yogurt), milk, meat (a bird, beef), soups, fish, vegetables, eggs. Besides, various vegetables, porridges, berries (a wild strawberry, raspberry), pasta, jelly, compote, cream, kissel, not acid juice and water without gas are safe.

It is better not to use pork, fried dishes, fat fish, canned food, sausage, rich bread and pies. Also it is necessary to forget about mushroom soup, reception of too greasy food (mutton fat, fat), alcohol and ice cream.

Ulcer of a 12-perstny gut: diet No. 1

The diet 1a assumes reception of only too crushed food, thin soups and porridges, and also steam omelets and soft-boiled eggs. The day diet has to consist approximately of 8 receptions of food. If the condition of the patient improves, it is possible to pass to less rigid diet.

Diet 1b. It is allowed to use not really liquid chicken forcemeat dishes, cottage cheese and puree.

The diet No. 1 has to be kept quite long time (3-12 months) for prevention. Here patients can add steam cutlets, beef Stroganoff from boiled meat, slightly dried bread and boiled chicken to the menu.

Diet at an ulcer of the gut complicated by a stenosis

The main symptom of a stenosis is frequent vomiting which arises because of narrowing of a gleam of a 12-perstny gut. For this reason in a stomach a large number of undigested food accumulates. In the presence of such disease the patient has to keep to very rigid diet. Because of constant vomiting it is necessary to use a large amount of water and vitamins. The day diet includes surely strongly caloric food which contains animal and milk proteins, carbohydrates. From drinks preference is given to fruit juice.

Besides, it is not forbidden to use soft-boiled eggs, meatballs, steam cutlets and omelets. From sweet – puddings, a souffle and kissels. That food as it is possible passed on a 12-perstny gut better, register Nospanum or the Papaverine.

Diet at a duodenum ulcer with bleeding

If the patient has frequent bleedings, then to him appoint a special diet which will promote a bleeding stop. Appoint it in the first 12 hours after the beginning of bleeding. Key products of food which enter this type of a diet are milk, the cooled cream, oil, and also food which promotes reduction of muscles of a gut and a stomach, narrows blood vessels. If the ulcer of a duodenum has complications not only in the form of bleeding, but also vomiting, intravenous food is appointed. Such food in this case can fill up an organism with all necessary vitamins and minerals.

After a bleeding stop (in the first days) it is allowed to add to the diet milk, oil, milk porridges (only under a condition if they cook on water and are diluted with milk), potato puree, the dried white loaf. As for drinks, freshly squeezed juice which should be diluted in a small amount with water are admissible. As much as possible to improve coagulability of blood and to reduce permeability of blood vessels, the day menu cannot do without vitamins K and Page. After improvement of the general state of health of the patient, it is allowed to pass to a diet at an ulcer of a duodenum No. 1a.

Adhering to all recommendations of specialists, and also eating properly, observing all councils of a diet at a duodenum ulcer, patients practically never have repeated signs of complications that allows to pass operations.

The drinking mode at a duodenum ulcer

In the presence of an ulcer it is strictly forbidden to take strong and slabogazirovanny drinks. The health worker can sometimes appoint to the patient still mineral water. In addition to water, reception of fruit and berry juice with obligatory dilution by their water, and also rather weak tea with milk or cream is allowed.

Диета при язве двенадцатиперстной кишки должна строго соблюдаться от 3-х до 12-ти месяцевIt is necessary to exclude from the menu strong tea, alcoholic beverages, cocoa. Concerning the menu surely it is necessary to consult with the doctor, only he will prompt whether the specific patient can drink grass broths and mineral water.

If at the patient signs of an exacerbation of a disease are noted, then to it sometimes appoint to eat food to 6 times a day that excludes excessive irritation of walls of a stomach.

The positive take from treatment of an ulcer can come only if in an onset of the illness to consult at the specialist, to observe all doctor's instructions and a specific diet.

Whether you know that:

Work which to the person not to liking, is much more harmful to his mentality, than lack of work in general.