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The diet is very best

Диета самая самая - индивидуальная для каждого диетаEach person at least once in life faces a problem of excess weight and the choice of a way of weight loss. The simplest and efficiently to get rid of extra kilos the diet representing a special food allowance which allows very limited range of low-calorie products is. Not all diets are effective. Specific features of an organism explain a wide choice of the diets available today. How to choose a diet very best which will allow quickly with the smallest stress for an organism to get rid of excess weight?

The diet is very best: what principle of weight loss is considered the best?

For a start it is necessary to formulate the weight loss purpose accurately. For this purpose it is necessary to define an index of body weight and its aberration. Also for the choice of an optimum diet it is necessary to be based on basic data:

  • Diseases which can define a range of products (allergies, gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes);
  • Way of life (study, operating schedule);
  • Age;
  • Sex;
  • Quantity of extra kilos.

Also before any diet it is necessary to consult with the therapist or the nutritionist on two questions:

  • Exception of contraindications to observance of a diet;
  • The reasons of emergence of excess weight (especially in cases of sharp addition in weight that can be result of hormonal disturbances in an organism, and also the inefficiency reason even of a diet very best).

Diets differ in the following parameters:

  • Duration;
  • The principle of weight loss at the heart of a diet;
  • The choice of the products allowed for the use.

Based on personal data and opportunities, it is extremely easy to choose a diet very best. Become the basic principles of a diet very best:

  • Availability of the products allowed for the use;
  • The convenient diet coordinated with the schedule of work/study of the person;
  • Effective weight reduction for each case. So, bystry diets are the most effective if necessary to get rid of several extra kilos gathered for rather short period while long diets will be more effective in fight against the problem of excess weight existing long enough in the patient's life;
  • Fixing of the achieved results;
  • Absence of a psychological and physiological stress for an organism.

Diet irrevocably weight: myth or reality?

Return of weight – the main problem which many patients right after an exit from a diet face. Why does that happen? To all fault the wrong exit from a diet, that is return to a usual diet and a diet. What occurs during a diet of the very best effective?

Throughout a diet the organism is transferred to a limited diet: smaller amount of food, low-calorie products that activates processes of burning of fatty deposits. There is a clarification of an organism from slags and toxins. After the diet very best is complete, the person is returned to a usual diet, again transferring an organism to excess food that promotes a set of weight.

Whether there is a diet irrevocably of weight? Actually each diet is able to afford to lose weight effectively and forever. For this purpose it is necessary:

  • To choose the correct diet corresponding to a way of life;
  • It is strict to adhere to recommendations of a diet;
  • To reconsider a usual food allowance, having excluded harmful products, excess meals.

The diet irrevocably of weight has to give to an organism enough time for implementation of transition between a limited and usual diet. So, many diets irrevocably of weight recommend to enter gradually within a week products of a usual diet in small amounts. However it is necessary to consider that having returned completely to the former mode and a food allowance, the risk of return of weight is high.

The simplest diet

Simplicity of a diet is defined by ease of its observance, availability of the products allowed for the use, a wide choice of products. One of options of the simplest diet is the monodiet.

Monodiet – the special food allowance assuming the use of one product throughout a certain term that promotes weight reduction. The monodiet based on the use of boiled buckwheat cereal without salt and oil can become an example of the simplest diet. The use of buckwheat is not limited. From liquid during a diet only water is allowed (boiled, cleared, mineral not gassy).

Monodiets allow to the use rice, buckwheat, boiled potatoes, fowl without skin, red fast meat, fruit, vegetables. Duration of the simplest diet makes from days to 5 days. As a rule, such diets are quite easily transferred and do not cause side effects from a GIT. However the most widespread complaint of the patients keeping to the simplest diet is irritability. Efficiency of a diet – to 5 kg in 5 days, however a net result always depends on initial parameters.Гречневая монодиета - одна из самых жестких диет

The most rigid diet

The most rigid diets, as a rule, are the most effective. Many people in the aspiration to get rid of extra kilos are ready to test even a diet very best strict and the actual starvation. The most rigid diets are based on satisfaction of the minimum needs of an organism for food and water, forcing it to burn own fatty deposits actively. The most rigid diets have to be kept carefully as the risk of development of complications in work of the main systems of an organism is high. Starvation as a diet very best rigid, never takes place completely for an organism:

  • Mental disturbances (depressions, apathy, neurosises);
  • Dysfunction of a GIT (nausea, bulimia, locks);
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Menstrual disturbances at women.

The diet the very best strict and rigid will allow to lose effectively weight, but she also demands the correct exit for fixing of result. More than 3 days to beginners, and also more than 7 days that who already tried diets the very best strict do not recommend to keep to such diet.

The safest diet

The person resides in search of ideal decisions. However the fact that the diet very best does not exist is already scientifically proved. Choosing an effective diet for weight loss, it is necessary to give preference to the safest diet from all available. What is the safest diet?

Safe diet – a special diet which allows to lose effectively weight at total absence of a physiological and psychological stress for an organism. The simplest option of a safe diet is the balanced food delivering enough proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and also vitamins and microelements in an organism. The balanced food will allow to normalize weight, and also to support a healthy condition of an organism and functioning of its systems.

The diet very best is an individual decision for each person. The diet, effective in one case, can be inefficient in another at all. Selection of a diet very best effective needs to be carried out not only according to users, but also in individual parameters.

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