a href="javascript:if(confirm(%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zabolevanija/dizartrija-1.jpg \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))window.location=%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zabolevanija/dizartrija-1.jpg%27" tppabs="www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zabolevanija/dizartrija-1.jpg" rel="lytebox">The person – a being social, and life in society is based, first of all, on speech communication. The underdevelopment of this communicative function negatively is reflected in potentialitys of an individual. Disturbances of the speech are caused by the different reasons depending on which the person has these or those manifestations of this defect. The most complex problem in respect of correction is the dysarthtia – the underdevelopment of communicative function caused by organic injury of the central nervous system.
At a dysarthtia, first of all, the sound pronunciation, problems with which can have different degree of manifestation, suffers, it is connected with changes of a tone of face muscles and necks. Disturbances of speech breath and a voice are also characteristic. In hard cases the speech becomes so illegible that cannot serve as the means of communication. Depending on localization of the center of defeat of a nervous system there are following forms of a dysarthtia:
Clinical symptoms of a dysarthtia not always have clearly the expressed character. Very often also insignificant manifestations of similar speech disturbance can meet that significantly complicates diagnosis. Mistakenly made conclusion results in inexplicable lack of positive dynamics at correction. In this regard it is very important to reveal timely so-called erased dysarthtia.
Lack of the expressed specific changes of the speech promotes mixing of this disturbance with a dyslalia at which there are no problems with an innervation. However attentive approach to diagnosis allows to make the correct conclusion timely. At the erased dysarthtia the speech has, let poorly expressed, but specific disturbances – decrease in volume of articulation movements, delay of their speed, characteristic problems with voice and speech breath.
Existence of a dysarthtia is demonstrated also by the problems arising during the correctional work. They consist in difficulties of statement and, in particular, automation of the broken sounds.
Speech disturbances complicate social adaptation of the person. They promote emergence of problems in private life, limit possibilities of choice of profession. Especially considerably it in case of existence of a dysarthtia at which speech is extremely muffled and is not legible. For this reason rendering the timely adequate help in the solution of a similar problem is so important.
a href="javascript:if(confirm(%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zabolevanija/dizartrija-2.jpg \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))window.location=%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zabolevanija/dizartrija-2.jpg%27" tppabs="www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zabolevanija/dizartrija-2.jpg" rel="lytebox">At a dysarthtia treatment demands an integrated approach. For achievement of a positive take logopedic work on correction of a sound pronunciation shall be followed by the corresponding medicamentous therapy. Performing articulation massage, in some cases – physiotreatments is also necessary.
Dysarthtia – difficult and hardly the speech disturbance which is giving in to correction. Success of its overcoming depends on timeliness and systematicity of correctional work. It, in turn, is directly connected with that, the corresponding diagnosis is how precisely made. The dysarthtia which treatment demands a long time not always has accurately expressed symptomatology.
Any disturbances of the speech, except a physiological dyslalia at preschool age, demand holding special correctional events. In addition to a bad pronunciation of sounds that in itself is essential defect, often there are also other problems, especially at such serious speech violation as a dysarthtia. This underdevelopment of a grammatical system of the speech, and also disturbance of formation of the sound analysis and synthesis that results in difficulties of the letter.
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