Fibrogastroduodenoskopiya (FGDS) or gastroscopy is one of kinds of an endoscopic research during which the doctor upper parts of digestive tract look round (a gullet, a stomach and a duodenum) by means of the special device – the gastroscope. This device represents the flexible tube having inside fiber optic system, the camera and the special channel for tools by means of which stomach tissue pieces get on a biopsy (research).ФГДС - метод эндоскопического исследования

Today FGDS of a stomach is a safe procedure thanks to perfect devices at which complications can occur extremely seldom – approximately at one percent of patients.

Possible complications – perforation (a perforation of a wall of body) and bleeding which arise during manipulations (a polypectomy, a biopsy) because of damage of walls of body. Perforation demands surgical intervention. In extremely exceptional cases after FGDS at children mental disorders were observed.

Indications for FGDS

FGDS is appointed when it is necessary to study in detail a mucous membrane of a gullet, a stomach and a duodenum. It is applied to diagnosis of stomach ulcer or a duodenum, gastritis, an esophagitis, a duodenitis, and also at bleeding or suspicion of a tumor in a stomach or a duodenum. Also it is used for specification of the diagnosis at neurosises or an allergy.

FGDS of a stomach, duodenum and gullet is shown to all people after 40 years for an exception or early detection of diseases of oncological character.

Carrying out technique

The FGDS procedure is carried out by endoscopists who underwent specialization in gastroscopy. In quality of training to FGDS local anesthesia is carried out – the pharynx is processed the spray containing lidocaine. In rare instances for reduction of unpleasant feelings premedication (a drug injection with sedative action), local anesthesia of a root of language by means of the sprayer or the general anesthesia with intravenous administration of drugs can be carried out. Further the patient clamps teeth a nagubnik through which enter an endoscopic tube into a mouth, and does a drink at which the doctor enters the gastroscope into a gullet. To reduce unpleasant feelings and emetic desires, it is deeply and quietly recommended to breathe to the patient.

ФГДС - способ исследования ЖКТThe doctor considers the surfaces of a duodenum, a stomach and a gullet. If it is necessary, entry of the image, photo or video filming is made. The image with video or cameras of the gastroscope in modern endoscopes is accurate and detailed. It is written down in the computer or transferred to the TV screen, then if necessary can be unpacked by means of the printer. If there are indications, the transendoscopic rn-metriya or a biopsy, a bleeding stop, introduction of drugs or removal of polyps is carried out. Further the gastroscope is taken from a gullet.

Diagnostic FGDS not longer lasts than 5-10 minutes. If the necessary manipulations are in addition carried out, time of the procedure can increase up to 20-30 minutes.

Later FGDS can be observed unpleasant feeling in a throat. As a rule, it independently passes for one-two days.

Preparation for FGDS

Before FGDS in 8-10 hours it is forbidden to eat something or to drink.

Before FGDS the patient needs to report to the doctor about the accompanying diseases (a diabetes mellitus, schizophrenia, epilepsy or other diseases) which are available for it and the received treatment. Also surely it is necessary to warn the doctor if there is an allergy to any medicines.

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