Application instruction:
Furagin – synthetic antimicrobic means.
Furagin treats group of nitrofuran antimicrobic means. Active agent of drug – фуразидин. The mechanism of its action is based on oppression of formation of nucleic acids at bacteria that makes impossible their reproduction. The outside cover of bacteria and their cytoplasmic membranes collapses.
Besides, in microorganisms the major biochemical cycles are suppressed (including – a respiratory chain and a cycle of tricarboxylic acids), and it breaks their life activity therefore bacteria begin to emit less waste products and toxins. It leads to improvement of a condition of patients even before death of disease-producing factors.
The main action of Furagin according to the instruction – bacteriostatic, achievement of bactericidal concentration is possible at the dosage twice exceeding bacteriostatic. Bactericidal concentration of means are reached in urine at removal of drug from an organism.
Furagin is active concerning gram-positive (staphylococcus, streptococci) and gram-negative bacteria (colibacillus, salmonellas, shigellas, klebsiyella). Furagin's use is inefficient in cases if contagiums are the pyocyanic stick, enterococci, proteas, serration and some other microorganisms.
This drug is capable to activate work of immune system. Furagin increases the content in blood of nonspecific protective proteins (complement) and increases ability of leukocytes to destroy disease-producing bacteria. These distinctive abilities define advantage of use of Furagin before other antimicrobic means.
Furagin according to the instruction produce in tablets and capsules 50 mg, and also in the form of soluble powder in banks on 100 g.
Drug is used in treatment of infections of uric ways, acute and chronic recuring (cystitis, pyelonephritis, an urethritis, infections of female generative organs). It is suitable for children and at long catheterization of a bladder at adults.
According to Furagin in the form of solution for external use it is effective at treatment of a keratitis, conjunctivitis, burns, for washing of purulent wounds. As prophylactic of infections it is used at diagnostic (tsistoskopiya) and operational manipulations in urology, for washing of cavities at a pleura empyema, peritonitis.
Drug affects only the microorganisms sensitive to it.
Despite the available indications to Furagin if hypersensitivity and also if the patient has an accompanying heavy renal failure, it is impossible to apply this means to him. Do not use it at children till 1 year, pregnant women and the nursing women.
Care is demanded by use of drug at diseases of a liver, a nervous system, and also local use from children up to 1 month.
Tablets and capsules accept after food, washing down with a large amount of water. The adult appoint on average 50-100 mg 3 times a day, a course of 7-14 days, after it the break of 10-15 days is required. If there is a need, after a break the course can be repeated.
Children need to expect Furagin's dose body weight – 5-7 mg/kg/days in 3 receptions, course duration the same.
To prepare water 0,5% or 1% solution for topical administration, 0,5 g or 1 g respectively dissolve in 100 ml of hot water for injections. Then the received solution needs to be filtered via special antibacterial filters, to pour in glass bottles and to sterilize. Such solution is used in ophthalmology in cultivation 1:13000 (in eyes dig in on 2 drops in 4-6 hours), and also for washing of cavities.
In house conditions for topical treatment of purulent wounds, burns it is possible to prepare 1% Furagin's solution for 0,9% NaCl solution.
According to reviews Furagin is capable to cause allergic reactions, nausea, dizzinesses, vomiting, headaches, neuritis and polyneurites, disturbances in work of a liver.
To prevent possible side effects, during treatment by Furagin it is necessary to drink many liquids, to accept in addition vitamins of group B and antihistamines.
Name of drug
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