Main > Diseases> Gastroduodenit


Gastroduodenit - an inflammation of a mucous membrane of a stomach and duodenum. This disease is one of the most widespread diseases of digestive tract, on an equal basis with gastritis. Statistically, more than a half of all population of the cities have gastroenterological pathology, and the lion share – from 70 to 80% by estimates of different specialists is the share of a share of gastritis and a gastroduodenit.

Reasons of a gastroduodenit

Причины гастродуоденита

Gastroduodenit is a polietiologichny disease, that is its emergence requires a combination of several factors: the psychogenic reasons, errors in food and contamination of Helicobacter pilory. Also researchers consider that genetic predisposition matters – if the immediate family has digestive tract diseases, then the probability to ache gastroduodenity considerably increases.

Carry frequent stresses and the increased nervousness owing to insufficient rest to the psychogenic reasons of a gastroduodenit. Stresses, both acute single, and small constants, extremely negatively influence a condition of digestive tract on all its extent, beginning from salivation in an oral cavity and finishing with the defecation mechanism. In turn, the broken digestion starts the mechanism of stressful instability that generates a vicious circle, without having broken off which, effectively it is impossible to treat a stomach disease and intestines.

Errors in food became so usual for the ordinary citizen that often are not perceived in that quality any more. However they were and remain one of the major factors breaking activity of digestive tract and promoting development of a disease. Here both lack of a diet, and food substandard, industrial food, often also in the unhealthiest state – with no drink, cold, hastily belongs. Whether it is worth being surprised that the disease gained such distribution in modern society.

Helicobacter pylori – the bacterium responsible for diseases of a stomach and duodenum. This bacterium, breeding in a mucous membrane, breaks its protective properties therefore defects of a surface – an erosion and an ulcer which the gastric juice aggressively influences are formed, aggravating an inflammation.

Types of a gastroduodenit

As well as any inflammatory disease, allocate acute, chronic gastroduodenit, and aggravated. Most often chronic meets gastroduodenit, patients usually ask for medical assistance in an aggravation stage. As a rule, chronic process happens the investigation not cured acute, however the disease often happens primary and chronic, that is initially arises as the chronic disease proceeding with the periods of aggravations and remissions.

Depending on the nature of the pathological process proceeding in a mucous membrane of a stomach and a duodenum distinguish the following forms of a chronic gastroduodenit:

    • Superficial gastroduodenit. At this form the mucous membrane of a stomach and a duodenum are edematous, folds are thickened;
    • Hypertrophic gastroduodenit. The mucous membrane is hyperemic, at some sites there are hemorrhages (punctulate hemorrhages), is edematous, covered with a fibrinous and mucous plaque;

Симптомы гастродуоденита

  • The mixed form of a gastroduodenit. The mucous membrane in general has an appearance as at a hypertrophic gastroduodenit, however there are atrophy centers;
  • Erosive gastroduodenit. The mucous membrane is edematous, hyperemic, contains the multiple erosion covered with a fibrinous and mucous plaque.

Depending on secretory function:

  • Gastroduodenit with the lowered secretory function (acidity is reduced);
  • Gastroduodenit with normal secretory function;
  • Gastroduodenit with the increased secretory function (hyperoxemia).

Symptoms of a gastroduodenit

Symptoms of a gastroduodenit are extremely various, and the form of their manifestation depends on character of a current, at an acute gastroduodenit they bright, sharply expressed, but short-term, at a chronic gastroduodenit – the constants amplifying during aggravations.

Treat the most characteristic symptoms of a gastroduodenit: the aching pain in epigastric area (nadchrevya) in one and a half-two hours after meal accompanied with nausea, feeling of weight and a raspiraniye in epigastric area, an eructation, heartburn. Language is covered with a dense yellowish plaque and is edematous that is shown by emergence of prints of teeth on its side surfaces. A stomach at palpation болезненнен in epigastric area. Also a symptom of a gastroduodenit is disturbance of secretory function of intestines, there can be ponosa, locks or alternation of locks from ponosa.

Patients with a chronic gastroduodenit are pale, irritable, they note weight reduction, sleep disorders are frequent, bystry fatigue appears.

Diagnosis of a gastroduodenit

As symptoms of a gastroduodenit are multiple and characteristic not only of this disease, but also of other diseases of digestive tract, its diagnosis is rather difficult and demands carrying out a number of researches. The basic is the fibrogastroduodenoskopiya – the method allowing to consider in details a mucous membrane of a stomach and a duodenum, to take for the analysis gastric and duodenal contents, and if necessary and a small piece of fabric for carrying out a histologic research for the purpose of Helicobacter pylory detection. Assessment of secretory function of a stomach (an intragastric rn-metriya), and its motor function is carried out. Surely conduct laboratory blood analyses, urine, a calla.

Treatment of a gastroduodenit

Treatment of a gastroduodenit takes place in the acute and chronic aggravated form according to the following scheme:

  • Bed rest within a week;
  • Rigid diet (table No. 1);
  • The antibacterial therapy directed against Helicobacter pylori;
  • Administration of drugs, regulating acidity and motor function of a stomach and duodenum.

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After subsiding of acute symptoms of a gastroduodenit dietary recommendations of a table No. 1 change for a table No. 5, non-drug means, antiinflammatory and rehabilitation action are appointed: physiotherapeutic procedures, physiotherapy exercises, reception of medicinal mineral waters, etc.

Treatment of a gastroduodenit in a chronic form irrespective of whether superficial gastroduodenit at the patient, or mixed, or any other look, has to be complex. In the period of calm the patient has to keep to a table No. 5 diet, observe a diet and rest, very good results are yielded by a balneoterapiya, the preventive course of a resort therapy is recommended once a year. Even if full remission is reached, it is necessary to remember the tendency to a gastroduodenit, and in the preventive purposes to follow rules of healthy food all life.

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