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from 28 rub.

Гентамицин растворGentamycin – an antibiotic with antiinflammatory action.

Pharmacological action

Gentamycini sulfas belongs to group of aminoglycosides, possesses a broad spectrum of activity, being an antibiotic of bactericidal action.

Drug shows a superactivity against gram-negative aerobic bacteria: shigellas, colibacillus, salmonella, enterobakter, klebsiyella, protiums, stick pyocyanic. Gentamitsin and against stafilokokk (even those which are steady against other antibiotics, penicillin), some strains of streptococci acts.

The pale treponema, some kinds of streptococci, anaerobic bacteria are steady against drug менингококк.

Release form

Produce Gentamycin powder for cultivation of solution for injections, directly solution for Gentamycin pricks, an aerosol, Gentamycin ointment for external use and an oculentum, cream and drops.

Indications to Gentamycin use

Gentamycin according to the instruction is appointed at such infections:

  • urinary tract: cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis;
  • respiratory tracts: empyema, lung abscess, pleurisy, pneumonia;
  • infections are surgical: blood poisoning, peritoneum inflammation;
  • skin: dermatitis, multiple purulent inflammation, ulcers trophic, burns.

Application instruction of Gentamycin

It is better to carry out use of Gentamycin after definition of sensitivity to it of the microflora which caused a disease.

In the instruction the average dosages applied to treatment are specified:

  • at infections of urinary tract for teenagers 14 l are more senior. and adults the single dose is equal 0,4mg on kilogram of weight, and daily – 0,8-1,2mg on kilogram of weight of the patient.
  • At sepsis, other heavy infections a single dose – 0,8-1mg on kilogram, and daily – 2,4-3,2mg.

The maximum dose – 5 mg on kilogram a day.

To children 14 years Gentamycini sulfas are younger appoint only according to special indications.

Daily dose for babies and newborns – 2-5mg on kilogram of weight. To children from 1-5l. appoint 1,5-3,0mg to kilogram, to children 6-14l. – 3 mg on kilogram.

The maximum dosage of Gentamycin for children of different age categories – 5мг/кг/сутки.

The daily dose is usually divided into two-three receptions. The course, on average lasts 7-10dn. Injections of Gentamycin are given usually 2-3dn intravenously, and later passed to intramuscular injections.

Гентамицин мазьIntramusculary apply Gentamycini sulfas in the form of ready solution to introduction or divorced 2 ml. sterile water powder. For intravenous pricks of Gentamycin it is possible to use only ready solution.

Cream or ointment apply Gentamycin at a purulent skin inflammation, folliculites, a furunculosis. At the same time, the struck areas grease two-three р / day for one-two weeks.

At conjunctivitis, a keratitis, other infectious eye diseases apply drops Gentamycin - three-four р / day.

Side effects

Use of Gentamycin can cause such side effects: vomiting, nausea, hyperbilirubinemia, increase in activity of transaminases hepatic, proteinuria, microhematuria, oliguria, renal failure, headaches, deterioration in hearing, drowsiness, irreversible deafness, frustration vestibular, disturbance of muscular and nerve conduction, rash, fever, itch, Quincke's edema (seldom).


In the instruction of Gentamycin it is specified that its use is contraindicated if hypersensitivity to all antibiotics of group of aminoglycosides is found in the patient.

Also Gentamycin at neuritis of an acoustical nerve, heavy functional disturbances of kidneys is not applied, pregnancies, lactations, uraemias.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Gentamycin ointment of 0.1% 15 g, Synthesis of AKO of joint stock company (Kurgan)

28 rub.

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