Main > Diseases> Hyperkinesias


Гиперкинезы - описание, лечение, профилактикаHuman body – a peculiar difficult mechanism. Its normal functioning is ensured due to close interaction of numerous muscles with the central nervous system. Reductions or relaxations of muscles in a certain sequence allow to carry out to a human body the various movements. Any disturbances in work of numerous muscles are, as a rule, connected with inadequacy of their "management" of a brain. As a result of similar failure sudden short-term reductions of muscles – hyperkinesias often appear. They arise at organic and functional lesions of a brain and have different types.

Hyperkinesias, types

The violent movements independent of a will of the person can appear in different groups of muscles. Hyperkinesias which types there is a lot of are classified by such signs as the place of defeat, clinical manifestations, duration of attacks, their frequency. At the same time the following options of involuntary movements are most widespread:

  • Tremor. This hyperkinesia is shown by small trembling of all body or its separate parts. Muscles of brushes and fingers of hands, and also the heads are most often affected;
  • Tics. The involuntary movements differ in affectation and stereotype and amplify at nervousness. Hyperkinesias are shown by the short, sharp and usually repeating starts of the head, the case, face muscles, hands or legs;
  • Choreic hyperkinesia. The unnatural chaotic movements at the same time arise in muscles of hands and legs. The similar state can arise at rheumatism, hereditary and degenerative diseases, and also at pregnancy;
  • Front nictitating spasms, paraspasms and hemispasms. Hyperkinesias which types are various affect mimic muscles and are shown by smooth or their sharp twitchings;
  • Torsion spasm. This pathology considerably limits an athletic ability of the person. The raised tone of muscles leads to a specific picture of a disease: the body turns as a result of slow, shtoporoobrazny movements round its pivot-center. One more option of a spasm of muscles at hyperkinesias is the spastic wryneck which is followed by an inclination or turn of the head in one party.

Hyperkinesias at children

The involuntary movements of muscles can arise both at adults, and at children. At the same time at children's age hyperkinesias most often have the tikoobrazny form. The main symptoms of pathology are short, repeating reductions of separate face muscles. The similar unnatural movements considerably amplify at overfatigue of the child or his nervousness.

One more type of the motive pathology inherent to children's age, the choreic hyperkinesia is. At the same time muscles of the head and shoulders which periodically twitch are affected. Hyperkinesias demand differential diagnosis with the epilepsy which is also followed by involuntary muscular contractions. Very difficult happens to differentiate similar states at small children as parents cannot precisely describe symptoms. It can lead to wrong interpretation of data and statement of the wrong diagnosis.

An important role in emergence of hyperkinesias at children is played by various stressful situations. At the same time for adults they do not seem those. However, for example, the beginning of visit of kindergarten, especially receipt in the first class are rather good reasons explaining emergence of involuntary violent movements. Also infections and craniocereberal injuries can cause hyperkinesias in children.

Hyperkinesias, treatment

The violent movements of muscles arise for various reasons and have different clinical manifestations. Often they significantly complicate human life. Irrespective of a type of hyperkinesias, treatment has to be complex. First of all rather long conservative therapy is carried out. At the same time antiinflammatory drugs, and also the means improving blood circulation and metabolism of brain fabric are used.

Emergence of hyperkinesias is often caused by the increased emotionality and an impressionability of patients. In this regard at treatment sedatives are actively applied. However similar drugs have many side effects: cause drowsiness, constraint, allergic reactions, a lowering of arterial pressure. It leads to considerable difficulty of process of recovery.

Причины возникновения гиперкинезов у детейFor achievement of a positive take at hyperkinesias fortifying procedures which allow to support a normal tone of muscles of a body are recommended. First of all, it is physiotherapy exercises, regular stay in the fresh air, bathtubs with the calming effect. Balance of food is of great importance for normalization of health, it has to include enough vitamins and the vital microelements.

At the torsion dystonia and some other types of hyperkinesias treatment demands use of orthoses and the corresponding footwear. In hard cases, in the absence of effect of the held medical events, operational treatment which is performed by neurosurgeons is shown.

Muscles – the most important part of a human body. Manages their difficult activity, giving conciseness to the movements, the central nervous system. In its work there can be failures which result are hyperkinesias, that is the uncontrollable muscular movements. The different reasons can serve as a provocative factor. However the most frequent among them are stresses. In modern life it is difficult to avoid the situations demanding the increased nervous tension. Considering it, it is necessary to care for preservation of protective forces of an organism. This concept includes not only maintenance of physical shape of a body, but also strengthening of a nervous system.

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