Main > Diseases> Hypokinesia


Гипокинезия: лечение и профилактикаThe condition of a low physical activity of the person accompanied with restriction of amplitude, volume and rate of movements is called a hypokinesia. Development of a disease is possible against the background of mental and neurologic disorders, including parkinsonism, and similar extrapyramidal syndromes, and also a catatonic, depressive and apathetic stupor.

The slow-moving way of life of the person or low work directly influence development of a disease. A consequence of the work connected with monotony of movements, low level of costs of muscular work, a lack of the movement or the local nature of muscular activity during which the person is forced a long time to stay in the fixed pose often is not only the hypokinesia, but also a hypodynamia.

The disease can arise also against the background of the intensive working activity connected with uniform work of a certain group of muscles (cashiers, programmers, accountants, operators, etc.).

For definition of degree of a hypokinesia in medical practice it is accepted to take into account the patient's energy costs estimated by determination of that amount of energy which was spent for muscular activity for a short period. Degree of a disease can be various – from insignificant restriction of physical activity before its complete cessation.

Hypokinesia and its effects

The hypokinesia makes negative impact on functional activity of internals and systems of an organism, at the patient resistance to adverse factors of the environment decreases, power indicators and endurance fall.

Effect of a hypokinesia is deterioration in health of the person, disturbance of work of cardiovascular system, at the patient heart rate falls, ventilation of the lungs decreases, there are changes in vascular system leading to stagnation of blood in capillaries and small veins. These processes are resulted by puffiness of various parts of a body, stagnation in a liver is formed and absorption of substances in intestines decreases.

The hypokinesia and its effects exert a negative impact and for work of joints – they lose the mobility because of reduction of amount of joint liquid.

The hypodynamia and hypokinesia lead to the following negative effects from various systems of an organism:

  • To decrease in working capacity and functional condition of an organism;
  • To atrophy, weight reduction and the volume of muscles, to deterioration in their sokratitelny abilities and blood supplies, replacement of muscular tissue with a fatty layer, and also to protein loss;
  • To weakening of the tendinous and copular device, disturbance of a bearing and development of flat-footedness;
  • To loss at a hypokinesia of the intercentral interrelations in TsNS, to change of emotional and mental spheres, deterioration in functioning of touch systems;
  • To development of hypotonia which considerably reduces physical and intellectual effeciency of the person;
  • To reduction of indicators of the maximal lung ventilation, vital capacity of lungs, depth and volume of breath;
  • Atrophies of a cardiac muscle, to deterioration in food of a myocardium and a blood-groove from the lower extremities to heart, reduction of its volume, and also increase of time of a circulation of blood.

According to statistical data, nearly 50% of men and 75% of women have a hypokinesia, and at residents of the northern countries these indicators are higher, than in other regions.

Prevention of a hypokinesia

Regardless of the state of health, all people for maintaining a normal way of life are recommended to observe the principles of healthy nutrition and to be engaged regularly in physical exercises.

For prevention of a hypodynamia and a hypokinesia people whose working activity is not connected with physical work are recommended to carry out daily charging, to carry out foot walks, to do run, swimming, driving the bicycle, etc. In breaks between work it is necessary to carry out easy warm-up, it is important to improve a workplace, to get a chair with the fixed back, during the sedentary work often to change a pose.

It is important to take for the rule not to use the elevator and public transport if it is necessary to pass small distance, even such, insignificant at first sight, loading will promote improvement of a physical condition of the person.

Treatment of a hypokinesia

At low degree of a hypokinesia to the person will only be to increase enough the level of physical activity – to regularly do any sport. In more hard cases if the hypokinesia is a consequence of other disease, it is necessary to remove the cause which served to its emergence.

Основные причины гипокинезии и ее последствияIn certain cases treatment of a hypokinesia is possible only in a combination of an exercise stress to medicamentous therapy. Often appoint the drugs working at the level of neurotransmitters, improving neuromuscular conductivity and regulating a muscle tone.

At an early stage of a hypokinesia, in particular to patients with Parkinson's disease, can appoint dofaminergichesky drugs which effect becomes inefficient in process of increase in their consumption.

Hypokinesia call low physical activity of the person which can be connected with maintaining a passive way of life or sedentary work, or arises against the background of other diseases, including depressions. The hypokinesia and its effects negatively influence health of the person in general, threaten maintaining a normal way of life by it, and also influence psychological state of the patient.

Prevention of a disease includes both respect of the principles of healthy food by the person, and regular performance of aerobic and power physical exercises. Treatment of a hypokinesia represents the complex therapy including gradual increase in physical activity of the patient (LFK) and purpose of a number of medicines depending on disease degree.

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