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Brain hypoxia

Основные симптомы гипоксии головного мозгаBrain hypoxia in medicine it is accepted to call a disease at which the brain of the person receives insufficient amount of oxygen. This morbid condition can have serious effects up to a coma and a lethal outcome. It is necessary to tell that very often the death of the person affected with such disease happens sudden. Symptoms and treatment of a hypoxia of a brain at different patients directly depend on the reasons which provoked a disease.

Brain hypoxia reasons

As it was already noted, the lack of the oxygen supplying this vital is the very first reason of a hypoxia of a brain. Such pathology can be provoked by various states, for example, rises on height, work in mines, in submarines etc. Besides, shortage of oxygen is caused also by other factors. Airways quite often can be clogged with foreign bodys or slime. Also as the reason of a hypoxia of a brain the acute shortage of specific vitamins B a human body can act.

It is possible to distinguish the following from other common causes provoking developing of this disease:

  • Inhalation of carbon monoxide (for example, during the fire);
  • Poisoning with carbon monoxide;
  • The diseases breaking functioning of respiratory muscles (paralysis);
  • Strong pressure upon area of a throat (trachea).

Also it is possible to classify this pathology by the reasons of a hypoxia of a brain thus:

  • Disseminated hypoxia;
  • Central tselebralny ischemia;
  • Global tselebralny ischemia;
  • Ischemic stroke.

The disseminated hypoxia of a brain is provoked by insufficient amount of oxygen in blood of the person and is characterized by disturbance of functions from low to the average level of weight.

The central tselebralny ischemia represents the broken blood circulation on the localized site that can turn out to be consequence of various diseases (for example, aneurism or the blood clot which is shown obstruction of blood vessels). It is important to note that such state is addition of the most part of clinical heart attacks. Global ischemia call complete cessation of supply of a brain with blood.

The heavy ischemic stroke is also provoked by shortage of oxygen because of the broken blood circulation. Such attack covers many sites of body.

Brain hypoxia symptoms

Each 100 g of a brain every minute need approximately in 3,3 ml of oxygen. When such quantity is not provided, the first symptoms of a hypoxia of a brain begin to be shown. They assume, as a rule, some difficulties when performing intellectual tasks and disturbance of a short-term memory of the person. Besides, at an initial stage of a disease the condition of a hyperexcitability is quite often observed.

The patient can feel excessive vigor and even euphoria that is followed by loss of control over own movements, the shaky gait which is speeded up by pulse and disturbance of cognitive functions in general. Besides, discolorations of skin of the person are characteristic of the first stage of a hypoxia of a brain. Most often it becomes pale with a bluish shade, however can sometimes gain also dark red color. Quite often a brain hypoxia symptom at this stage is cold sweat.

The second stage of a disease is characterized by disturbance of functioning of a nervous system of the person. At the patient regular attacks of nausea and dizziness are, as a rule, observed, often the disease is followed by severe vomiting. Besides, as very often additional symptoms of a hypoxia of a brain at the second stage disturbance of clearness of sight, frequent blackouts, the general weakness of an organism and even faints act.

Hard cases of this disease often are followed by brain hypostasis that provokes serious frustration in its activity owing to loss conditional, and then and instinctive reflexes. If the amount of oxygen for a brain continues to remain lower than norm, skin of the person loses sensitivity, and then and all bodies gradually stop normal functioning that often leads to a condition of a deep coma and a lethal outcome.

Diagnosis and treatment of a hypoxia of a brain

Effective treatment of a hypoxia of a brain is possible only after the disease origin is established. It comes to light both on the basis of medical history of the patient, and by means of diagnosis by various methods:

  • Blood tests;
  • The electrocardiogram which helps to measure activity of heart;
  • The electroencephalogram analyzing functioning of cells of a brain;
  • Ekhokardiogramma;
  • Computer tomography of the head;
  • Magnetic and resonant tomography of the head;
  • Pulsoksimetriya helping to establish blood saturation by oxygen (the indicator at the sick person happens lower than 95%);
  • Kapnografiya and other types of a research of gases of expired air.

Гипоксия мозга - лечение и профилактикаAs it was already told, treatment of a hypoxia of a brain is directed first of all to elimination of a cause of illness therefore in different cases the doctor appoints various procedures. For example, at an easy form sometimes rather usual airing of the room or walks in the fresh air whereas serious conditions demand serious medical procedures. So, it is possible to allocate separate methods of treatment of a hypoxia of a brain depending on its specific look:

  • The exogenous hypoxia assumes use of the oxygen equipment (oxygen masks, barrels, pillows);
  • The respiratory hypoxia demands use of the drugs recovering work of respiratory tracts. Artificial ventilation of the lungs is sometimes appointed;
  • The Gemichesky hypoxia is eliminated by means of hemotransfusion and treatment with oxygen;
  • The circulator hypoxia of a brain assumes use of the drugs with kardiotropny effect directed to microcirculation improvement;
  • At a fabric hypoxia the drugs recovering oxygen utilization by fabrics sometimes are prescribed apply ventilation of the lungs.

Besides, often at shortage of oxygen doctors recommend reception of vitamins and walk in the fresh air.

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In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.