Application instruction:
Hofitol – the drug of a plant origin with the expressed cholagogue and diuretic properties reducing an azotemia.
The main operating component of composition of drug Hofitol are the artichoke leaves rich with a complex of vitamins, microelements and other biologically active agents.
Due to effect of phenolic acids in combination with Cinorinum Hofitol renders cholagogue and hepatoprotective effect.
Inulin, ascorbic acid, group B vitamins, in particular, B1 and B2, and also carotene have the normalizing effect on exchange processes of an organism.
Besides, important pharmacological effects of drug, according to reviews of Hofitola, are strengthening of removal of urine and diuretic effect of the medicine.
Hofitol is issued in three various forms.
• Tablets of brown color, coated. In pharmacy chains two types of packing are presented: on 60 or on 180 tablets in bottles or in blisters;
• The solution for intake of 120 ml placed in a bottle;
• Solution for injections. It is packed into ampoules with the self-beaten-off tip of 5 ml. Ampoules in number of 5 pieces are placed in packaging.
Drug is, as a rule, used as a part of complex therapy. Indications to Hofitol are listed below:
• not calculous cholecystitis in a chronic form;
• dyskinesia of biliary tract on hypokinetic type;
• hepatitis in a chronic form;
• nephrite in a chronic form;
• cirrhosis;
• a renal failure in a chronic form.
Hofitol and analogs of drug are, as a rule, transferred well, however are contraindicated to some groups of persons. Their list is given below:
• patients with cholelithiasis;
• patients with impassability of bilious ways;
• patients with the diagnosed acute diseases of kidneys, a liver, urine - and biliary tract;
• patients with hypersensitivity to drug components.
The instruction to Hofitol in the form of tablets warns about impossibility of purpose of drug to children 6 years are younger.
The dosage at drug intake depends on age of patients.
Adults, according to the instruction to Hofitol, are recommended to accept drug in 3 times every day on 2,5-5 ml of solution or on 2 or 3 tablets. The course of treatment most often makes 2 or at most 3 weeks.
Children Hofitol should take from 1 to 2 pill daily before meals. Solution of drug is accepted on a quarter or a half of the dose appointed by the adult, also 3 times a day. Treatment duration – up to 3 weeks. It is also necessary to consider that, according to medical reviews of Hofitola, medicine is intended for treatment of children 6 years are more senior.
In case of need repetitions of a course of treatment it is necessary to get medical advice.
As a rule, during treatment by drug of side effects does not arise. However in extremely exceptional cases emergence of undesirable reactions even is possible at obvious indications to Hofitol and lack of contraindications. First of all such reaction of an organism is caused by long drug intake in high doses.
Among side effects allergic reactions and diarrhea are known.
Hofitol's use during pregnancy and feeding by a breast is admissible only in case of permission of the doctor and constant medical control.
To the drugs close on structure and an image of impact on an organism to Hofitol, belong:
• Artichoke extract;
• Holebil.
Hofitol is stored at a temperature which is not exceeding 25 °C in the place located out of availability of children. The period of validity at observance of all conditions makes 3 years for tablets and 4 years for solution.
Name of drug
Hofitol solution shouted. 20% фл 120 ml, Rosa-Phytopharma Lab.
454 rub.
Hofitol тбл п / about No. 180, Rosa-Phytopharma Lab.
879 rub.
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