Main > Diseases> Ulcer colitis

Ulcer colitis

Short characteristic of a disease

Язвенный колит – это хроническое воспаление толстого кишечникаUlcer colitis is a chronic inflammation of a large intestine. The second widespread name of a disease – nonspecific ulcer colitis.

The disease affects submucosal and mucous covers of a large intestine, causes emergence of not healing wounds.

Reasons of emergence of a disease

There are no exact data on origins of nonspecific ulcer colitis today. The weakened immunity and defective food is considered the main reason. Also infections in a GIT, worms, alcohol, lack of personal hygiene, a long antibioticotherapia can provoke this disease.

Symptoms of ulcer colitis

Symptoms of ulcer colitis can differ in degree of manifestation and localization – everything depends on a disease stage.

General symptoms of a disease: diarrhea, fever, weakness, vomiting, lock, abdominal pains, intestinal bleedings, reduction of weight, increase of frequency of defecations till 5-20 р / days, including at night, increased fatigue.

Also abenteric symptoms can develop: uveitis, knotty erythema, arthritis.

It is noted also that the disease in most cases begins and develops imperceptibly, and more expressed symptoms of ulcer colitis are observed in hard cases therefore it is important to ask at the first similar signs for medical assistance and at confirmation of the diagnosis to undergo treatment.

Diagnosis of a disease

If ulcer colitis proceeds benign, its diagnosis takes place without complications. And already at the first inspection after carrying out a kolonoskopiya or rektoskopiya make the diagnosis. By means of these endoscopic researches the doctor can notice reddening mucous, its granularity and puffiness, hemorrhages and lack of the vascular drawing on intestines walls.

For confirmation of the diagnosis the calla, blood test on the SOE level, the S-reactive protein, hemoglobin conduct laboratory researches.

In rare instances apply also a radiological method of a research. This inspection when at detection of high-quality narrowings of a large intestine it is necessary to exclude a disease Krone is especially useful.

At heavy disease endoscopy and X-ray are contraindicated – are limited only to a picture of an abdominal cavity.

Treatment of ulcer colitis

Treatment of ulcer colitis is appointed medicamentous. Prescribe the patient anti-inflammatory drugs and such that recover immune system. Use antiinflammatory drugs systemically and locally in the form of enemas.

In hard cases of a complication of a disease of formation of fistulas in intestines and malignant tumors, surgical treatment of ulcer colitis is shown – the affected area of intestines is deleted.

At severe and medium-weight forms of a disease the bed rest is shown.

Диета при язвенном колите обязательнаBecause of disturbance of process of nutritive absorption of food intestines, to the patient showed a diet.

The sense of a diet at ulcer colitis – to abstain from rough cellulose, to increase intake of proteins and to limit fats. If diarrhea at colitis is expressed, it is necessary to limit intake of liquid.

The recommended products: meat of low-fat grades, the boiled and steamed, wiped porridges, eggs, biscuit, white fried loaf, fruit jelly, bird cherry, garnet, blackcurrant, bilberry juice or compote, walnuts.

It is impossible to eat fresh vegetables, fruit, dairy products.

During a diet at ulcer colitis it is necessary to eat small portions – about six times a day. The dinner has to be not later than 21:00.

It is undesirable to accept antibiotics during treatment – these drugs can aggravate the course of a disease. They are appointed in extreme cases.

Prevention of a disease

For prevention of colitis it is necessary to watch immunity and food, in time to undergo treatment of various gastrointestinal diseases, to get rid of worms, not to abuse alcohol, to follow rules of personal hygiene.

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